Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But many of the symptoms asked about were reported for similar proportions of those who had been in residential homes and those who had not ; these were pain , trouble with breathing , vomiting or feeling sick , drowsiness , sleeplessness , dry mouth or thirst , depression , loss of appetite , difficulty swallowing , dizziness , bed sores , an unpleasant smell , and backache .
2 Dornier , the German company which built ROSAT , is trying to cover how it failed after being hit by high-energy particles from a solar flare .
3 There is minimal information about patterns of USO pressure in children with problems believed to be related to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
4 They act as a bond between people through providing amusement or an experience shared and believed to be held in common .
5 The debate on these issues continued for several centuries and the proposed solutions were very varied , but all of them had the ultimate implication that only the civilized Christian Europeans deserved to be rated as true men in a fully human sense ; all other " men " being variously rated as sub-human animals , monsters , degenerate men , damned souls , or the product of a separate creation .
6 The legal entitlement to benefit came to be governed by secret codes circulated within the Ministry and designed to ensure uniformity of decision making by benefit officers , who like their counterparts under the national insurance scheme , made decisions on claims to benefit .
7 New issues and a new vocabulary bubbled to the surface of public debate , and different answers came to be given to enduring questions about who should govern and how .
8 In this period the view of popular culture as degenerate and threatening came to be tempered by new pressures upon English academics to show that the discipline embodied a sense of social responsibility .
9 Removal of this national vulnerability and dependence on other nations became the prime aim , and so compelling an aim was it that it came to be achieved by fair means or foul .
10 Students came to be regarded as trouble-making drones , supported by the tax-payers ' money , indulging themselves at others ' expense , and frivolously wasting their own and other people 's time .
11 It was academic theory that was to define the two great periods of French station-building which produced in the Gare de l'Est and the Gare d'Orsay terminals which came to be regarded as definitive types .
12 Second , it tended to downgrade the Council of Europe , which came to be regarded by ardent Europeanists only as a symbol of unity and of better things to come .
13 Most of the economically active population came to be employed in primary industries and manufacturing .
14 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
15 It soon lost its exclusively maritime connotation and , from denoting simply work as a galley slave , came to be applied to other forms of penal servitude with hard labour .
16 Thus they came to be known as Dark Elves .
17 Humphrey Austin leased the mill , but in 1806 he bought what came to be known as New Mills .
18 Consequently , the jobs available to youths came to be known as dead-end' jobs or as ‘ blind-alley ’ employment in this period of history .
19 The analogy was an apt one , for the book helped to set in motion the new movement which came to be known as Dialectical Theology , and whose leading lights , apart from Barth himself , were Brunner , Bultmann and Gogarten .
20 Early in her career she undertook collaborative research with William Bateson [ q.v. ] on plant-breeding experiments on Biscutella laevigata , the work involving a study of what came to be known as dominant and recessive characters .
21 In the nineteenth century , disease itself came to be the object of investigation , and diseases came to be located in specific parts of the body .
22 One wonders , for example , to what extent the original distinction between theory and practice was reinforced or modified by the later Christian one between the contemplative and the active , or when and why the word ‘ pure ’ came to be used of certain types of knowledge .
23 Church funds also came to be used in special cases to buy the emancipation of Christian slaves , but the church did not have a general programme for the abolition of slavery .
24 These are called private law remedies because they were originally used only in private law but later came to be used in public law .
25 And it was this convergence that engendered a tradition among the working-class electorate of voting Labour ; Labour came to be identified with working-class interests as it had never been before .
26 Many of the techniques that came to be associated with variable analysis , the survey , cross-tabulation , indicators , covariation , to mention but a few , were not all invented by Lazarsfeld and his co-workers , though a number were , but begged , borrowed and stolen , from a variety of other fields and brought together as a distinctive and integrated way of constituting a theoretically informed and theoretically consequential empirical social research approach .
27 The image soon came to be reproduced in Teutonic style .
28 He longed for action , yearned to be trusted with high responsibilities , to undertake prodigious feats requiring a cool head , a stout heart and nerves of steel .
29 During the year 1976 the highest level of enthusiasm for family planning endured , more than 8 million sterilisations were reported , more than three times the number in the preceding year … these meant a nearly 50% increase in the proportion of Indian couples estimated to be protected by modern contraception achieved within a matter of months .
30 No Roman Catholic movement of the left had appeared to help Rome in its political struggles at a time when the suffrage was spreading ; in spite of a few ‘ Christian socialists ’ , Roman Catholicism still seemed to be tied to social and political conservatism .
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