Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [Wh adv] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The meeting broke up quickly as the other men in the room rose from wherever they had found to sit , some on chairs but most cross-legged on the floor , picked up weapons and equipment , and began to file out .
2 He dominated the conversation , holding the Hackett and Townshend women spellbound as he told of how he had broken up a white-slave ring in Dublin , and how he had rescued an innocent young girl from a fate worse than death .
3 Of course , you vary the cast at first , until you discover the hotspot , but if you have not noted each cast fairly precisely you will not know where the fish came from when you do catch one .
4 Amiss speculated about why she felt entitled to call him by his first name .
5 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
6 As Seb walked to where he had tied Romni his name was called and he turned to find Anna walking towards him .
7 Nicolo looked at her in silence , and then he walked to where he 'd left his glass of sherry and picked it up .
8 Everyone remarked on how she 'd taken after my side of the family but I could see George in her , I was certain of it .
9 Speechless , and more than a little shaken , Paige returned to where she had left her things .
10 After every question on oil tankers , he talked about how they started to put passenger ferries safer .
11 When Elizabeth returned to England she talked of how she planned to go to South Africa to see if her future was there with Mr Cronje .
12 If a winding lane led to where she wanted to go , she 'd cross two furlongs of field to cut the corner .
13 I thought about how I 'd walked around all those weeks and what I 'd felt about him and the crazy things I had found myself believing .
14 I thought of how I 'd stood
15 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
16 I looked to where I had slept .
17 ‘ He spoke about how he had appreciated the colleagueship of the Methodist pastor in Crackow and I was then able to say that there were indeed Methodists in Italy and the Protestant Church , although small in number is quite significant , particularly in its work among refugees and migrant workers .
18 He spoke of how he had established the sex of the larger skeleton .
19 Cardiff fumbled to where he 'd seen a light switch , began to reach for it … and then stopped .
20 ‘ Over here , ’ shouted one of the Sturmabteilungen and the others , six to start with , but soon joined by more from inside the building , ran to where he had found the tripped alarm .
21 Wednesday rushed off for help and Endill ran to where he remembered planting his seeds .
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