Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [be] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases trichomonal infection is associated with other diseases , and while few would advocate the routine screening for other infection of all women found to be suffering from candidal infection , the finding of Trichomonas vaginalis is an absolute indication for further investigation to exclude other sexually transmitted disease .
2 And abruptly , from what buried part of her muddled brain she had no idea , she found herself shaking her head , reaching out a hand which seemed to be operating on automatic pilot .
3 The government seemed to be presiding over massive industrial contraction ; Mrs Thatcher at this time was the most unpopular Prime Minister since Neville Chamberlain in 1939 .
4 More likely , if the force from Ruthyn seemed to be passing without ill intent , they would merely sit still and let the enemy go .
5 The characters in the bar seemed to be moving with slow jarring motions .
6 Her own body and mind still seemed to be moving in slow motion , and she had a wild urge to — what ?
7 CHC had been saying for a long time , and it seemed to be falling on deaf ears that a date should be set for the closure of Friern and that money should not be spent on the hospital but on services in the community .
8 This seemed to be falling on deaf ears .
9 Witnesses say the rover seemed to be travelling at high speed .
10 Mr Whistle seemed to be growing to giant size , his huge head scraping the ceiling .
11 The blood seemed to be driving in great swoops through her head .
12 As he wrestled with the nature of matter and the question of action at a distance , he seemed to be going into metaphysical speculation ; he was not a clubbable man , and his scientific work in its higher reaches was a lonely business , interrupted by a major breakdown in health .
13 Both sides indeed seemed to be pleading for German support against the other .
14 The half-hour after Compline seemed to be declining into total anticlimax .
15 The noises had become louder , the lights were brighter and sharper , and the people around him seemed to be turning into over-expansive parodies of their true selves .
16 Explosions and laser fire were sporadic now , and seemed to be striking at random along the top of the ridge .
17 Bureaucrats , members of the royal family , intellectuals of various persuasions , city dwellers and the peasantry all seemed to be pressing for radical changes in the structure of the Russian polity .
18 Moreover , Bukharin pointed out , whilst Preobrazhensky claimed to be dealing with abstract theory , he was in reality dealing with current economic policies .
19 Emblem Communications appeared to be humming with distant sounds of life when she arrived just after three p.m .
20 One woman appeared to be suffering from severe whiplash injury and Nina , no doubt mindful of Len Seager , hurried back to the ambulance for a neck collar to immobilise her .
21 Some had five eyes and mouths like elephants ' trunks , and yet others appeared to be walking on stilt-like appendages , and had heads with no features at all , not even mouths .
22 The surviving pupils are Emma Hartley , 16 , who was last night said to be improving in intensive care in Weymouth General Hospital ; Joanna Willis , 16 , Samantha Stansby , 17 , and Marie Rendle , 17 , all listed as stable and comfortable .
23 Conversation , not only on that day , got on to An Adventure and would not easily get off it , though we wished to be speaking of other things .
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