Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [be] [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But over time Mr Premadasa 's approach to the problem changed : foreign pressure and the failure of the military solution to terrorism combined to persuade him that the army needed to be discouraged from indiscriminate killing .
2 Accordingly two sets of legislation were introduced in the 1960s : the Race Relations Act , which maintained the liberal facade of the state and which , though so weak as to be almost useless in practice , had as a basis the assumption that black people were a part of the community and needed to be protected from racial prejudice : in contrast , and much more effective , were the Immigration Acts , which themselves discriminated against black workers .
3 ( 9 ) If the consideration is to include a cash underwritten alternative , it may be necessary for the consideration shares agreed to be purchased from accepting shareholders by underwriters to be the subject of an offer to the bidder 's shareholders on a pre-emptive basis .
4 One 's thighs — as a cursory prod confirmed — appeared to be modelled from sun-softened Plasticine .
5 Although alternative plans to finance the NHS were rejected — ie the service continued to be funded from general taxation — tax relief was offered on health insurance premiums for retired people .
6 In the meantime Ho 's contribution to the cause continued to be made from outside Vietnam and most effectively , from Canton .
7 Food aid continued to be distributed from Italian military lorries , as part of the European Communities Operation Pelican programme of food aid to Albania [ for EC and food aid see also pp. 38351 ; 38400 ; 38448 ] .
8 In 1980 , fewer than 6% of the total school population were attending assisted and independent schools — yet more than a quarter of University entrants continued to be drawn from private schools .
9 They did not come near Lucie , Izzie or Gabriel , and had to be kept from starving with little presents of food left furtively on their threshold .
10 The committee pointed out that no great increase in costs would be incurred , because at that time , each vacancy had to be filled from nursing institutes ( agencies ) at a cost of 2½ guineas a week .
11 Policewomen sometimes had to be called from other duties in order to deal with an incident which male colleagues felt incapable of handling .
12 The cost of filling BBC2 's hours , one must remember , had to be met from increased licence fees ( controlled by the government ) , marginal economies and earnings from co-productions and sales abroad , and increasingly from the larger fee charged for a colour licence .
13 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
14 And in the middle of this came the kidnapping of four students , who had to be ransomed from Zairean rebels across the lake .
15 The reefs and all the Other marine biota , had to be constructed from different organic building blocks .
16 Due to its dismantling at Barry and other locations , several components had gone missing and these needed movement and others had to be manufactured from new .
17 Ricardou contested the ‘ referential illusion ’ that the text could refer to anything other than itself : the myths of expression and representation , propounded by the ( historically superannuated ) literary movements of Romanticism and realism , had to be excised from self-reflexive modernist practice .
18 The policeman was so badly burned he had to be identified from dental records .
19 She merely wanted to be whisked from luxury hotel to draught-free concert hall in a big limousine , there to play to an attentive , elegant audience and be driven away again surrounded by encores and orchids .
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