Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [pron] [noun] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They might take it only from those who came into their bailiwicks from outside , with their permission , to buy underwood , timber , bark or charcoal , to carry it elsewhere to sell it , and from no others .
2 These titles came into my head from nowhere .
3 ‘ Too late , madam ; if you had defended my daughter when he slandered her … but now , if you both walked on your knees from here to Chicago , I would not change my mind . ’
4 The way in which the contours of objects are continually broken in Cézanne 's painting reinforces the impression that he looked at his subject from more than one position .
5 The thought slid into her mind from nowhere , hitting her such a stunning blow that she gasped .
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