Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Then in 1721–2 he waded into the paper war over the so-called ‘ Bangorian controversy ’ initiated by the sermon on church government by Benjamin Hoadly , bishop of Bangor [ q.v . ] .
2 They then , after a bit ( the boy had disappeared , the sewer gurgled empty ) moved to the end wall over the river : you did not want to miss , not now , that small boy , he had been carried out , floating face-up , his opened eyes to the burning sun in the tar of the hard still river .
3 It was now three thirty a.m. and he stopped on the swing bridge over the Berkeley to Gloucester canal and tried to hide the fish as much as possible .
4 With heavily armed gangs roaming the streets , the mixed Serb-Muslim population either hid behind locked doors or fled across the iron bridge over the River Drina , which forms the border .
5 We know an older nave existed by the wall Paintings over the chancel arch , these paintings uncovered by Mrs Baker A.R.C.A. were dated from the 12th century .
6 WORRIED John Major called in an election expert over fears for his majority , it was revealed last night .
7 The GATT Uruguay Round negotiations , begun in 1986 , became deadlocked by the US-EC dispute over subsidies and other supports for farm exports .
8 The light , full and smooth , lay like a gold rind over the turf , the furze and yew bushes , the few wind-stunted thorn trees .
9 The violence of the early Quakers contrasted noticeably with the reputation for gentle non-conformity they acquired in the market towns over the next century or so .
10 Subsequent to 1974 , and consistent with U.S. GAAP , such grants are credited to a capital grants deferred account and amortized to the income statement over the lives of the assets to which they relate .
11 Pensions Under Irish GAAP , the expected cost of providing pensions to employees is charged to the profit and loss account as incurred over the period of employment of pensionable employees , with any surplus or deficit of plan obligations over plan assets amortized to the income statement over the expected future service lives of the active employees , at a fixed proportion of pensionable pay .
12 nodded but looked at an apple tree over the hedge .
13 Bryan Gould , who resigned from the shadow cabinet over Maastricht in the autumn , said : ’ If we were to abandon that position now it would be a remarkable break not only with tradition but certainly with principle . ’
14 The move came as the Labour Party 's housing spokesman , Mr Clive Soley , yesterday complained to the Press Council over newspaper reports that his party was proposing to ban second homes .
15 They 've already tracked down many of the people who stayed at the guest house over the past week .
16 The results came in thick and fast — flashed across the tv screen over some cheap subtitled American B-movie .
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