Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Another letter from the middle school was about a visiting theatre group and asked for money as well as a tear-off slip .
2 And of course he was beset by orders and suggestions from other collectors : William Ogilby advised him to collect 6 or 8 specimens of every species , particularly the great red woolly kangaroo , which were in great demand not only in England but on the Continent as well ; Jardine asked for seeds as well as numerous other specified ‘ things in spirits ’ ; Thomas Campbell Eyton wanted as many petrels as Gould could capture for a monograph on the Procellaridae .
3 Deane scored for Leeds , and , it could be argued he scored for Tottenham as well cos I think it was his foot that deflected it past Beaney .
4 And erm Joseph and Mary they went to Egypt or somewhere , yeah Egypt , and when they went erm and I think the angels called them to go cos they came to Egypt as well and then they went to .
5 A few other studies were made in the 1970s , by women , about the problems which unions raised for women as well as the problems which women raised for the unions ( Cunnison , 1983 ; Coote and Kellner , 1981 ; Stageman , 1980 ; Harrison , 1969 , 1980 ) .
6 The historian must recognize that diversity of fortune existed within towns as well as between them .
7 He escaped from Aldeborough as soon as he could .
8 He had put in an appearance , perforce , at the ceremony at the Tower , to appoint his proctors , but returned to Chester as soon as he decently could , and had not left it again to come to the council at his own manor of Kennington , sending only one of his esquires with a report on the situation — admittedly an admirably full and expert report — to lay before the assembly .
9 The orders came from Command right down to squadron level ; the preparations started about mid-morning as soon as this vast sheet of paper from the teleprinter indicating every facet of the job ahead arrived .
10 Michael sniggered behind Moran as soon as they were on the road together but it drew such a quelling look from Maggie that he went quiet .
11 Lorimer was the name that sprung to mind as well as a match for Sterland but then I suppose he was n't a defender .
12 The eerie stillness of a town asleep caught at the edges of her already stretched nerves , and she shivered with apprehension as well as from the biting wind .
13 They had also sent knitted comforts to Eileen , and Anne had made a balaclava helmet for herself which she wore in bed as well as a pair of her father 's socks and a cardigan over her pyjamas .
14 This is by no means a unique model , but it has Proved an effective one and our experience of it is presented as a case study of a learning experience through which , as in all learning experiences , learning resulted from mistakes as well as from successes .
15 He had a younger brother who went to Oxford as well and he did become a Communist .
16 We sat before him looking at him with respectful eyes ( that is , all but one of us , who usually went to sleep as soon as the class started ; she was not just closing her eyes , she was fast asleep ) .
17 Constanza went to Rome as soon as the trains were running .
18 He listened to critics as well as to flatterers ( no court is complete without them ) , and was able to learn from them .
19 ‘ At Everton I felt at home as soon as I walked through the door , ’ says the affable Mimms .
20 She wept with rage as well as pain .
21 Moreover it printed in London as well as Manchester for most of the post-war years until its closure in 1960 .
22 She smelled strange scents , and saw ‘ with her bodily eyes ’ small white things , as thick as specks in a sunbeam , which appeared at night as well as in the daytime .
23 It is not surprising that a high proportion of patients burst into tears as soon as the physiotherapist begins work .
24 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
25 ‘ It 's been a wonderful Christmas , ’ Adam said to Elinor as soon as Buzz disappeared .
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