Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Born in London , an ex-punk who started acting while at art school during a course in sculpture , Roth never actually went to drama college ( aside from one afternoon when he got pissed and snuck into RADA to see what he 's missed ) .
2 The carrack was brought to anchor in the Bay of Cascais two evenings later , and after an uncomfortable night rolling about in the confused waters of that harbour , Sara rose early and went on deck to find that a thick mist had descended .
3 The figures , which were announced at the weekend , disappointed most and led to warnings of cuts in services to avoid charge capping .
4 Thomas William Stott , who became ill and died at Davenham CC 's AGM in November 1991 at the age of 74 , was one of the longest serving cricket administrators in the country .
5 The conversation broke off sharply when he became edgy and scrambled for cover , telling her to go away .
6 Norm would sit watching TV , she would glance up at it and back at her book , but he tired early and went to bed .
7 The four Washingtons got airborne and flew in formation over the Station , just as the AOC was walking across the Parade Square .
8 They bantered and argued with each other , laughed raucously , became angry and fell into sulks , changing moods as quickly and as unpredictably as children .
9 A couple of sheets of corrugated iron broke loose and fell on Mr pugh 's head .
10 Tragically , Murray took ill and died at Avignon .
11 In the summer of 1912 he fell ill and died in February 1913 at the age of fifty-six .
12 He was fastidious about his hair , which he grew long and lacquered in place over a balding pate .
13 Irene looked puzzled and glanced at Juliet .
14 Having flicked through a few foreign magazines , the boys at Crawford House had made a shocking discovery that the rest of the world no longer climbed on soggy crags in the rain , but wore skimpy clothing , looked beautiful and climbed at Buoux instead .
15 It invested in 102 firms , of which one third went bankrupt or went into receivership .
16 In and out of errand-boy jobs , Bullen now lodged for the cost of his keep or , between jobs , slept rough and lived on scraps .
17 The Prince became fascinated and vanished from sight into the mountain bikes , and it was twenty-four minutes before anyone could extract him and move him on .
18 They stood still and watched in silence .
19 ‘ One would have shuddered to send him to a public school , ’ said the lady , who had in fact sat long and agonized in calculation of the cost of doing so .
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