Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [noun sg] over [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 De Beauvoir maintained rigid control over certain areas of her emotional and sexual life to the end of her days , yet some things she publicly , if not privately repressed have recently resurfaced .
2 He has already reversed many measures taken by previous governments , which used martial law over economic matters and to detain political opponents or ban them from work or travel .
3 Over the following months , de Gaulle assumed total control over political affairs and substantially reduced Giraud 's authority as Commander-in-Chief .
4 Millions of pounds of investment meant nothing to Bedford-St Pancras commuters when their long-awaited new electric trains were laid up in the sidings while BR and the rail unions hammered each other over one-man operation .
5 The relationship risked serious derailment over German unification , when Bonn failed to consult Paris before announcing its ten-point plan for unification only days after the dinner party summit at the Elysée Palace at which German unification had not been mentioned .
6 On the other hand , the crown lost direct control over military recruitment , and allowed the magnates to command their own troops and direct their own campaigns .
7 A deal collapsed last week over personal terms .
8 Fighting a campaign which asserted local democracy over central authority , however , Suzuki won a fourth consecutive four-year term , polling 2,292,846 votes ( 49.9 per cent of those cast ) compared with 1,437,233 votes ( 31.3 per cent ) for Isomura .
9 It had original jurisdiction over serious offences .
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