Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [noun sg] over [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His overall leadership was acknowledged , but the younger group retained actual control over their organisation and this dichotomy persisted throughout all the years that followed .
2 A tear fell and splashed uselessly on to the pillow , and she clumsily drew one arm over her eyes .
3 From Skywings ! the British Hang Gliding Association 's journal , this incident report : ‘ Householder reported dual flight over his house .
4 TI 's announcement , says Mr Garner , was in direct response to its experience of three years ago , when it attracted heavy criticism over its acquisition and goodwill accounting techniques — in spite of the huge amount spent on acquisitions , the substantial rationalisation costs involved were rarely charged to the p&l account .
5 Donna cupped one hand over her eyes and saw the lights of King 's Cross through the window as the train slowed to a crawl , preparatory to gliding to a halt .
6 He went to the dressing-table and threw cold water over his face and chest which streamed with cold sweat .
7 Lee Anthony Roberts , aged 20 , the sex offender scarred for life when his five-year-old victim 's mother poured boiling water over his trousers , had his nine-year youth custody sentence for rape , imposed at Exeter Crown Court in November last year , cut to six years yesterday by the Court of Appeal .
8 No longer caring that people were watching , she dashed one hand over her lips , trying in vain to obliterate the brand-mark seared there by his touch .
9 He was only a little 'un , but he got one weight over his head all right .
10 A big wave hit the side of the paddle wheel and sent white water over their heads .
11 While this was true for the adult population , Yarmuk indicated that the younger of the bourgeois Palestinian class felt deep unease over their identity .
12 Nevertheless the rapidly amended " signing statement " generated renewed controversy over its declaration that analysis of the legislation , written by the administration and submitted into the legislative record by Senator Robert Dole ( Kansas ) , " will be treated as the authoritative interpretative guidance " by all officials in enforcing the law .
13 He bent her supple body back ; she took one look over her shoulder and saw nothing but fast-flowing black water .
14 He came up behind her , put one hand over her shoulder and one around her waist .
15 He put one hand over his mouth , then drew it slowly down over his throat onto his chest .
16 She jumped and nearly slopped hot coffee over her skirt .
17 The same can also be said of physical science : despite the apparent breadth of the course , students felt that they had little control over their learning .
18 The construction and development industry is best known for this and there were notable scandals in the 1970s which linked architects ( such as John Poulson ) , who were highly dependent on local authority orders , to key local politicians ( such as T. Dan Smith ) , who had some influence over their allocation .
19 Meredith spoke as if he had some power over his cousin .
20 Quiss apologized for setting it down on a hotplate , put it on a draining board instead , and splashed some water over its mask-face .
21 Pushing up his sleeves over the elbow , he swilled cold water over his hands and arms , then bent down and sluiced the whole of his head .
22 Cupping his hands in the large jug , he splashed cold water over his face and chest , rubbing it up and down his arms before towelling himself down .
23 Once established as a professional body , doctors had considerable control over their market situation .
24 ‘ Congress derided President Truman 's domestic program , passed significant legislation over his veto and generally dismissed his hope of extending the Roosevelt New Deal into the Truman Fair Deal . ’
25 As a matter of authenticity , and given that the appointment had been made two months ago and that perhaps Mr Gajdusek might need a little reminder , she took the letter from its envelope while , his touch again tingling , again gentle , he smoothed some cream over her bruises .
26 In other words , it was the settled view of European law , at that stage in its development , that upon accession , a member state abandoned sovereign control over its affairs to the extent that they fell within the purview of the Treaty of Rome , as interpreted by the European Court of Justice .
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