Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [conj] did not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I then burrowed into the cockpit to wrench the gear from its housing but in so doing I became unplugged and did not hear the pilot shouting that we were about to ditch . ’
2 When he struck it hard against the trunk of the tree it seemed solid and did not break or splinter .
3 She thought she might find Oliver sleeping on the couch which he sometimes did if he came late and did not want to disturb her , but he had not come home .
4 I do not rightly understand how the medical men could not save him after the accident since you say the cut seemed small and did not appear to trouble him but I have heard that for the blood to be poisoned it takes only a pin-prick and that a cut where there is manure about can have this effect if not noticed .
5 Mr Fractor turned red but did not have the time to answer because the basket was back beside them .
6 The man talked non-stop and did not expect me to contribute .
7 Nicky looked crestfallen but did not dare argue with Constance when she was in this mood .
8 But he was already pushing it and Lauren Bacall saw that and did not like it .
9 She thought that but did not say it .
10 She did not scream and weep — at least in front of him — when things went wrong and did not have a reputation for being raucous about women 's rights .
11 In the bottom of the bucket the newspaper burned steadily and undramatically ; the edges of the notes curled like live things , went brown but did not ignite .
12 It looked hard and did not disappoint .
13 Ian looked unhappy but did not disengage his attention from her .
14 Even before the change , many of the policies , by the time they had been through the rather over-bureaucratic structures , became distorted and did not benefit the peasants to the extent that they should have done .
15 When Boswell , hearing his praise of it , said , perhaps enquiringly , ‘ You never ate it before , ’ Johnson replied that he had hot but did not care how soon he ate it again .
16 Before they left , they heard the Regent declaring that if Edward Plantagenet sat tight and did not attempt any attack across Tweed , then he might lead the Scots force raiding deep into Northumberland , even as far as Bamborough where Edward 's young Queen was known to be installed .
17 If I sat still and did not do anything then nothing else could happen that I might have to cope with .
18 They did not turn up for sessions they considered boring and did not meet their needs .
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