Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The house committee met weekly and dealt with a variety of matters .
2 What evidence there was supported a relatively minor charge under military standing orders and the soldier concerned was charged , found guilty and punished under the powers accorded to the commanding officer .
3 However , he was found fit to plead , found guilty and detained under an order of the Mental Health Act in one of the Special Hospitals which provide care and treatment in conditions of close security .
4 The same meeting , albeit the first recorded , approved the Constitution mentioned earlier as prepared by the ‘ Sub Committee ’ .
5 Lockhart 's flight became lost and returned to the carrier , then set off again with two hours ' fuel already gone .
6 Drifts of rain came up Loch Maree as I plowtered wet and chilled along the lochside to find the spot for JTR 's ‘ Loch Maree ’ .
7 It accelerated more than anticipated with the result that the capsule landed in the Atlantic over a hundred miles away from the target area .
8 Law and order seemed fragile when opposed to the growing danger of the huge new slums whose populations were feared as classes dangereuses .
9 Is it not time that the Secretary of State came clean and admitted to the House that the boats are dangerous , the cost of repair and renovation is beyond reasonable expenditure and the boats should be withdrawn ?
10 Both Mr and Mrs Singh seemed surprised and relieved by the normality of the school .
11 The pterosaurs , flying reptiles , also had their origins in the Triassic and became widespread and varied during the Jurassic and Cretaceous .
12 For example , many managers became confused and distracted by the mechanics and terminology ( jargon ) of the elaborate planning systems increasingly in vogue .
13 Although a minority of the group succeeded in finding jobs , these did not last long , and , like the rest of this group , who remained unemployed , they became frustrated and disillusioned by the difficulties they experienced in finding employment and by the attitude of employers to older workers .
14 While the right 's fears about a red revolution developed , the left became frustrated and disillusioned by the moderate nature of these reforms .
15 They turned nomadic and mingled with the nomads of the Sudan , where they were to consider building a further house and perhaps settling down .
16 The litmus paper turned red when immersed in the liquid .
17 Dad came in and I was struck by how handsome he seemed with his moustache freshly waxed and his hair brushed flat and parted in the middle .
18 The small grass lawn at the front was overgrown , the wooden verandah running from the porch along the front of the house had several posts missing , and the catch on the outer porch door was broken , so that it swung open and shut with a groan and a bang in the ever freshening wind .
19 Something in the blood adjusted to the expectation of the flight , the whoosh , the pause while it hung silent and concentrated in the air , and then the burst , first upon the ear and then the scattering upon the sky ; and then the relief of the fall as it died down , back again , done with , on the ground .
20 ( Figs. 17–19 ) — It is sometimes considered that the pleural sclerites were derived from a primitive subcoxal segment of the leg which became flattened and incorporated into the pleural region of the body-wall .
21 As the waves crashed round the hilltops the wizards ' palaces broke free and floated on the surface of the waves .
22 With that last heave , Maurice 's anchor had wrenched clear of the mud , and the mooring-ropes , unable to take the whole weight of the barge , pulled free and parted from the shore .
23 She felt depressed and frightened by the time the shop closed and she was able to go home .
24 His silly face , so meaningless and without awareness of danger , seemed translated into sense through his return to music , and his entire concentration on the rhythms of the jig — Nicandra felt exhausted and exasperated by the realization that it was not in her power to be either kind or cruel to Silly-Willie .
25 Of the 48 people eventually indicted [ see p. 37406 ] many pleaded guilty and co-operated with the authorities , but some maintained their innocence and elected to face trial .
26 I felt directionless and lost in the crowd .
27 They seemed a threat because they looked odd and acted in an odd way .
28 Charlotte made to reply , but suddenly felt exasperated and wearied by the hoops she had been obliged to jump through .
29 A stone rolled free and splashed into the water no more than a yard from Trent 's feet .
30 Sabrina 5 was last used in the early 1970s and lay derelict until restored by the Museum in 1987 .
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