Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] what [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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2 More positive thinking survived in one or two parts of the monolithic building in Queen Anne 's Gate , but the overall impression gained by outside observers was of a dispirited department in which no-one really seemed to know what could be done about crime in general and the prisons in particular .
3 We began to discuss what should be done and how I would manage to support the children , and if , from time to time , I had the feeling that something was wrong , it was only in a distant , elusive way , as if I was listening to someone playing a piano on the other side of the road and hearing occasionally , but only occasionally , a wrong note .
4 Moreover , there seems to be an element of moral righteousness in Bukharin 's attitude , in so far as he sought to clothe what could be considered necessary violence with an aura of positive good , thereby turning necessity into a virtue .
5 To those looking to the future , he had shown what could be done .
6 Virginia 's success had shown what could be done , and the West Indian settlement spent very little time considering any other commercial prospects for some years .
7 If the cavalry were still , in every sense , the army 's natural leaders , the victories of the Flemish burgher forces and militia over French knights at Courtrai in July 1302 , and that of the mountaineers of Schwyz and Uri over the formidable feudal array of knights and footmen belonging to Leopold of Austria at Morgarten in November 1315 had shown what could be done in conditions and terrain unsuited to the effective use of cavalry .
8 Both Mr Lewin and Mr Howard had displayed what could be called courage , Mr Lewin by throwing a punch at his assailant and Mr Howard by pursuing him even though he was being shot at .
9 By the time the 1958 World Cup was held in Sweden , the international game had reached what could be described as the first flowering of maturity .
10 If I had known what would be required of me this morning I would n't have gone to that birthday celebration last night . ’
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