Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] in [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 These became exposed in the Triassic and again in the Cretaceous and consequently the interbedded evaporites were removed and the carbonates themselves were karstified .
2 Tobie made to sit in a chair and then desisted , because it was inlaid and foreign and breakable .
3 Say she enticed him into the woods and became demanding in every way and heavily emotional , piling on pressure .
4 He was saying he was ‘ hard-faced ’ and cited an incident where his girlfriend got attacked in the ground and the man ‘ did n't want to know ’ .
5 As it floated some plants became caught in the wood and the roots inbeded themselves and began to grow there .
6 That it 's time you stopped living in the past and started moving into the present . ’
7 In the game larder , pheasants and duck and partridge hung by their necks in winter time , and bunches of snipe waited , pin-eyes closed , to be plucked — once Nicandra picked up a little bird , too mangled to hang in the bunch and faced him with a fellow .
8 Decimalisation meant that a major revision of the payroll system was needed and the limited time scales involved resulted in the acquisition and implementation of a payroll package called " COMPAY " .
9 ‘ Then he got injured in a field and had to be off for a year , but everything seems to be going well now .
10 Mike , though he not have thought it at the time , was extremely lucky , as the aircraft hit the ground the fuselage broke open , his helmet came off , became lodged in the opening and was then crushed as the fuselage closed again .
11 But when it when a bill came up and it would take away the money that we 'd saved for Kelly 's new school uniform , so it always seemed to come in a rush and there was always something needed like you know .
12 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
13 One of the Army bands came to play in the ward and an orderly rushed in , waving a newspaper .
14 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
15 Balberith smashed through the rear doors of the catering truck , careened along the spotlessly clean linoleum floor and came to rest in the fruit and salad bar .
16 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
17 Bring fully into the consciousness of your patient that particular lift of his mother 's eyebrows which he learnt to dislike in the nursery and let him think how he dislikes it .
18 In return , Flemish weavers eventually came to settle in the neighbourhood and teach local workers their ‘ mysteries ’ .
19 It was the first time he 'd been really alone since the days when he 'd lived in a hole and had to go out hunting by himself because there was no one else .
20 Even though his period in Calcutta was extremely brief , for he was forced to retire in 1906 after a breakdown , he became celebrated in the West and in India for ‘ preaching ’ the greatness of Indian art with fervour that bordered on fanaticism .
21 He told police many people hated working in the hangar and the thought had just come into his head that something had to be done .
22 Then he began to tumble in the air and reality took over .
23 Almost simultaneously , under Ferdinand of Aragon , Miguel Perez de Alamàn began to specialise in the control and direction of relations with other states in a way which made him probably the nearest approach to a minister of foreign affairs hitherto seen anywhere in Europe .
24 Headaches are often one sided beginning in the occiput and extending forward and settling over the left eye
25 Headaches are often one sided beginning in the occiput and extending forward and settling over the left eye ( right is Sanguinaria , Silica etc . ) .
26 Then some of the younger macaques began paddling in the sea and eventually took the plunge and learned how to swim .
27 There was a long pause from my point of view , while the lights began flickering in the office and the train exceedingly slowly reversed , before stopping again and going into a sudden jerk .
28 This initial stage was taken one step further in 1987 when the Association of Health for the People began working in the community and provided an analysis of the main problems that needed to be addressed , and suggested some solutions — all of which depended upon good communication between the local inhabitants .
29 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
30 he decided to stay in the room and watch ,
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