Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] a [noun] between [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically medical evidence brought out in court failed to find a link between the drugs sold by Georgia Griffiths and those found in the body of Henry Skelton
2 On several occasions Giscard d'Estaing tried to broker a merger between the UDF and the RPR [ see p. 36706 ] .
3 We tried to get a balance between a Test side and a one day side from the squad .
4 At first I tried to make a comparison between a large northern comprehensive school and a smaller London church school .
5 A primacy effect was also found for recall , both when recall was immediate and delayed indicating a distinction between a short-term and long-term memory store .
6 He also sought to draw a distinction between an unlawful demand made under an ultra vires instrument and one made under an intra vires instrument which was misconstrued or misapplied .
7 Transport minister Roger Freeman failed to solve a dispute between the Caldaire bus company and developers anxious to arrange a supermarket deal .
8 Thus immediately he managed to drive a wedge between the virtuous students , worthy of support , who studied sciences for the sake of society , and the self-indulgent arts students who pursued their chosen subject for the sake of their own benefit .
9 It was not , as its critics asserted , meant to presage an alliance between the Left and the Liberals .
10 The two managed to solve a dispute between the two governments over the timing of the next Anglo-Irish intergovernmental conference , which , originally scheduled for late September , would now be held on Nov. 16 .
11 Again , Jim Leighton 's judgement was at fault as the little Nantes midfielder managed to steer a shot between the keeper and his near post .
12 Tony appeared to recognize a link between the two situations , which he had failed to appreciate until then .
13 Interestingly enough , the researchers did notice a link between the foods the mother ate and her baby 's symptoms .
14 The United Nations said it had arranged a ceasefire between the government and Unita on Sunday night , but it was largely ignored .
15 She had to find a balance between the role of leader , inspirer , companion , friend .
16 Johnnie Armstrong of Gilnockie had defied an agreement between the Wardens of the Marches that no building should be erected by either side within the confines of the Debatable Land when he set up a tower above the Esk .
17 The scope of property includes property of persons who are not themselves visitors ( s. 1(3) ( b ) ) : ( b ) Before the Act , the courts had drawn a distinction between the occupancy duty and the activity duty .
18 Prior to the Act the courts had drawn a distinction between the occupancy duty , which was concerned with dangers due to the state of the premises , and the activity duty , which was concerned with the occupier 's activities on his premises .
19 A spider had spun a web between a spade and the wall it leaned against .
20 He forced EC chief Jacques Delors , who had blocked a deal between the US and Europe , into a climbdown .
21 He agreed this name might be in error , but by convoluted etymological detective work he felt he had established a link between the Saxon word for a cleared strip of land and his lines .
22 He saw the body in functionalist terms , but failed to make a distinction between the different functions of the male and female bodies .
23 The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated , celibate higher clergy , and the rank and file .
24 If the Watson Commission intended to drive a wedge between the radical secretary of the UGCC and the upper-class leaders they succeeded .
25 It was almost as if the Biennale 's President wanted to engineer a confrontation between the two most important trends to emerge in post-war Italy .
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