Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [Wh adv] [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She sought to discover where he had obtained the information he was supposed to have passed on to a Sunday newspaper .
2 Rincewind tried to remember where he had seen it before .
3 There was a pause while Ryan tried to remember where he had got to .
4 I looked up , startled to find how I had forgotten everything but the antics of these two monstrous beings .
5 From outside , the church looked very old , and deserted , and I began to wonder why I had come ; and I must have been a little late , because in the perfect stillness within , the members of the congregation already knelt — like statues , some caught in a swath of rainbow light where the rising sun shone through a stained-glass window , splashing the bowed heads and bent shoulders with crimson , royal blue , emerald and gold .
6 This afternoon Colin French declined to explain why he had chosen to exploit this loophole .
7 Dust was beginning to deposit itself over his furniture , while the kitchen floor needed scrubbing where he had dropped an egg on it .
8 She loved to hear how she had pointed to them and said , ‘ Moo ! ’ and we had said , ‘ No , darling .
9 It was only after she had gone that I started to ponder why she had confided so much in me .
10 All the way up on the ferry from Vienna , Earth , Jezrael kept remembering how he had treated her at the briefing .
11 He kept wondering how it had got Silk .
12 Carla lay sobbing where she had landed , holding her poor injured head in both hands .
13 She was not very steady on her feet and she kept thinking how she had resolved not to do this , but her thought processes were blurred and hazy .
14 Perhaps she had a poor memory and kept forgetting where she had left them .
15 And now , sitting legs stretched , on a chair too low comfortably to accommodate his six feet two inches , eyes fixed on that single taper , unflickering in the incense-heavy stillness , he could hear again the tone , taut with self-disgust , in which Berowne had explained why he had given up the law :
16 In a statement to police Mr Burn had explained how he had tried to calm Mr Pollard down .
17 They had heard how I had prevented the King from destroying all their ships .
18 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
19 Maxim had noticed how she had adopted certain American phrases and mannerisms as well , not because she was trying to pass as an American , but just to blend into the background .
20 But he could not bring himself to do it , especially not now , after Simon had revealed how she had spoken up for him .
21 I had remembered where I had heard that name before .
22 Telephone call took twenty minutes and had to explain how I had arrived at such a decision .
23 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
24 He refused to say where he had sold the items he had taken from the house .
25 He sat crouching where he had fallen , his head resting on his knees , his hands over his eyes .
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