Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 11 five Polish nationals living in Frankfurt and Bochum were arrested when police uncovered consignments of radio-active caesium and strontium believed to have originated in the former Soviet Union .
2 He reached for his handkerchief and dabbed his forehead again — a cold , clammy sweat that only seemed to have surfaced in the last half an hour .
3 She sensed trouble in this girl , who seemed to have taken in the entire community below in Knockglen .
4 Tony also mentioned how he had visited a local centre for the young unemployed which he had seen advertised in the local newspaper .
5 In Algeria , at the Maison Alletti , the large , low-built house which the old baron had had built in the late 1920s , which formed the base for his Algerian vineyards and timber plantations , and which was built among gardens on the slope of a hill , overlooking the city and the breathtaking bay of Algiers .
6 Maybe Ross should never had got married in the first place .
7 It showed how firmly union officials had become embedded in the governing structure and how reluctant Labour politicians were to jeopardize the chances of gaining office .
8 The major civilisations of the Americas , notably the Olmecs and Mayas which thrived between 3 kyr and 1 kyr , dominated the lowland regions adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico but by c. 600 AD ( The Times , The World , 1986 ) the major centres of early American peoples had become established in the high Andean basins .
9 Nicknamed the Dottore sottile ( " subtle doctor " ) , he had become reconciled in the 1980s with Craxi , whom he had previously criticized for what he regarded as his autocratic attitudes .
10 Now , one man was examining the steel tubes and struts of the scaffolding , dusting the surfaces with aluminium powder and squinting at the result through a lens ; another was on his knees scrutinising the staging planks in case some fibres from the killer 's clothing had become caught in the rough grain of the wood .
11 The biographical sources for this period are neither detailed nor accurate enough to allow a close analysis of the degree to which the system had become elaborated in the first half of the sixteenth century , but the broader outlines may certainly be perceived and seem to confirm that something like the provisions of the Kanunname were operating by the early years of that century .
12 It had become associated in the popular imagination with something naive , laughable or downright kinky .
13 So a legend which had originated with the attempts of Dark Age royal servants to give their masters a lineage as old and distinguished as that of the Western Roman emperors they had displaced continued in the twelfth century to satisfy the needs of new royal families and even of some princely houses .
14 Instead , I had sent an open letter to John that I hoped to get printed in the Lebanese press .
15 I had measles and had to stay isolated in the darkened room for two weeks .
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