Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pers pn] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She used , used jump it we could put them on her cupboards , you know , make her something a bit bigger , they 're gon na get that off there .
2 THE villagers listened patiently as a very senior policeman tried to persuade them they could do without their village bobby .
3 When he came back she said she 'd go out herself tomorrow , and if he tried to stop her she 'd smash up all his crockery .
4 Matron tried to tell him he would need to feed the Bookman properly but the Headmaster did n't seem to care .
5 Yes , and erm , I 'm very sorry about it , er , because if they 'd breathalysed me I would have failed as well .
6 I was nervous for the first few missions — but once you 'd done it you could cope .
7 So it was er hell 's pells for three quarters of a mile nearly for your dinner and hell 's pells back and I guess time you 'd done it you 'd have worn it off anyway .
8 say if you 'd done it I could have took it for you tomorrow or the next day .
9 She 'd told him she 'd have to go back to work and he had laughingly agreed , making some quip about being escort to a star and hitting the gossip columns .
10 He 'd told her he 'd come to Dynmouth to help old Canon Flewett .
11 Anyway , the Old Man — well , he called me into the Sanctum this morning and said , had I heard anything from you , and I said no , and he said silly bitch , or words to that effect — with which I agree — said he 'd told you you should keep in touch with me .
12 cos I , I went down to sort it out and like , if I 'd had yours I could have , they could have mended it there and then .
13 ‘ I felt that if we 'd signed him he could have given us just that little bit extra up front which would have enabled us to win the title .
14 Michael , if I 'd lost him I 'd have gone out to look for him — he died . ’ ’
15 Later on , whenever our friends on a visit happened to meet him they would ask : ‘ Is he really a vicar ? ’
16 He told me that if the police started questioning me they 'd keep on and on until I said something I should n't .
17 he 's , he 's funny he does like a front room , so I thought well sod it , I hate picking carpets Jane , so I thought sod it he can pick
18 ‘ Everyone kept telling him he should win .
19 If she agreed to marry him she would offer him what she could — affection , duty , loyalty — and he could decide whether it was enough .
20 If he did see it he must have begun worrying , and maybe it was then that he started feeling sick .
21 They told their father that if he did marry her they would wash their hands of them .
22 Coalition , Baldwin told Chamberlain , ‘ must of course be stamped on ’ ; he went on to say ‘ that if R.M. did approach him he would reply that there was no occasion for a Coalition .
23 Well I did tell you it 'd make you cough .
24 If he did ask her she would become costive .
25 He had told her that if she continued to harass him he would call the police .
26 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
27 Keith said : ‘ If a wave had caught it it would have smashed the craft to pieces .
28 She had reminded him he would have to speak to a certain young man in the Blue Boar this evening .
29 If anybody had seen me they must have thought the SAS was on exercise in the area .
30 It was Vico , in his New Science ( 1725–44 ) , who gave at once a new confidence and a particular direction to social thought , in his argument that ‘ the world of civil society has certainly been made by men ’ and that this ‘ since men had made it they could hope to know ’ .
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