Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [conj] there was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He got up and , with the torch shining into the comers , checked to see if there was anything unusual .
2 He ventured to suggest that there was nothing in the manner in which they had brought the concern into its active and productive state of working , which ought to subject them to such new and vexatious problems .
3 ‘ Saving your presence sir , ’ said Sergeant Bramble , ‘ I tried to explain that there was nothing amiss and that you 'd be back in time for supper with Miss Nicole .
4 ‘ I came to see if there was anything in the apartment to give me a lead on who killed Mahoney , ’ I said .
5 Before lunch , and afterwards , Marjorie came to see if there was anything she could do .
6 Like the crooks pursued by the hero in Calling Bulldog Drummond ( 1951 ) , for whom ‘ life in peacetime seemed unbearably flat ’ , or the ex-officers who take over their old ship for smuggling runs across the Channel in the Ship that Died of Shame ( 1955 ) , or The League of Gentlemen ( 1960 ) , for whom robbing a bank promises their ‘ finest hour ’ , many filmmakers seemed to feel that there was nothing to do , now the war was over and the hopes of peace had faded , than go back to the site of old glories .
7 Now I began to suspect that there was something sinister about their observation of me .
8 and began to dream that there was something
9 I began to feel that there was something wrong with my head , as well as my eyes .
10 He started chatting and there was nobody else on the bus and I said to him what are they ?
11 Then it all started to get VERY scrappy … the flicks kept coming but there was nobody running one to them .
12 ‘ I did think that there was something between her and Peter Yeo — her partner — but nothing came of it .
13 Now how a man who works on can think there 's anything funny about species I just ca n't understand erm but there it is. erm well , suppose , however , that in my view wrongly one did suppose that there was something erm in this sort of idea of the decoupling between the processes which we observed in single populations and erm the sort of mechanisms leading to large scale evolution , what kinds of processes are held to be important when it comes to large scale evolution events ?
14 You had heard that there was one , Holloway , and that was for you .
15 PC Fraser said Sutherland had added that there was nobody inside .
16 Later , Hazel had said that there was nothing for it but to cross the open pasture and under Silver 's direction they had crossed it , with Dandelion running ahead to reconnoitre .
17 The really busy time was in the spring after the cows had calved and there was plenty of milk .
18 I had to erm until the whole of the h the premises had been searched and secured then I had to assume that there was someone in that room until the contrary was shown .
19 Prior to the Geneva meeting , moreover , Bush continued to emphasize that there was nothing negotiable about the requirement for an Iraqi withdrawal , nor any " linkage " with the issue of a Palestinian homeland .
20 Ever since the first time she had seen the Hare-woman standing in the Post Office , staring with her luminous eyes as she told one lie after another , she had known that there was something wrong about her .
21 Fortunately the holidays had begun and there was no-one about at the time .
22 When Tiare 's husband knew he was dying he thanked me and wanted to know if there was anything he could do — a kind of last request .
23 The colonel said Inez was a distant relative and he wanted to know if there was anything odd about her disappearance .
24 His aunt and her daughter stayed to hear if there was anything of interest in the will which she had left in a drawer , but they went disappointed , giving Tim a couple of moist hugs on their way out .
25 ‘ We just wanted to check whether there was anything new before we went over there . ’
26 There was something about a girl he wanted to bring and there was something to do with stones .
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