Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Clinton went from strength to strength , Bush failed to struggle out of that image of being weak .
2 But he was a bit of a womaniser and got mixed up in some scandal ; I never knew the whole story .
3 He tells her , too , about the toy drawer in which the pencil-case was originally lost , and the characteristic choking dusty smell it would develop as the toys in it became mixed up with each other to form a kind of solid pudding , which had to be taken out at the end of each school holidays , and separated once again into its components .
4 Couple of chaps at the school got booted out for that stuff and I never did get round to it . ’
5 It was as much to disprove some of their absurd assumptions as to help you prove your own theories that I agreed to come in on this project .
6 Two Chinese teachers have just graduated from an international centre in Hebrew They say both China and Israel have ancient traditions , and it 's about time they got to know more about each other .
7 ‘ Aye , except he pointed out that if she was new to the job and she tried to muzzle in around that quarter , the others would soon make short shrift of her .
8 Some were veterans of News on Sunday 's many faction fights but now , for once , they stopped ganging up on each other and ganged up on Sutton .
9 Yet the ‘ Song of Eärendil ’ does of course tell a story as well : how Eärendil tried to sail out of this world to a kind of Paradise , how he succeeded in the end by virtue of the ‘ Silmaril ’ , how this in turn led to his becoming a star , or rather the helmsman of a celestial boat in which the burning Silmaril appears to Middle-earth as a star .
10 However , what I can do is try to present to you some of the points of view we tried to draw together in that group because we did have someone who is a proprietor of a private home ; we had people from health ; we had people from social work ; we had people from housing ; we had people from different interest groups who approached the issue in different ways .
11 The former topless model took action which led to police being called when Davidson tried to get back in this week .
12 Raiders tried to break in to this cottage in the early hours , but they were spotted by vigilant neighbours when security lights came on .
13 Raiders tried to break in to this cottage in the early hours , but they were spotted by vigilant neighbours when security lights came on .
14 I was that for about , I soon got fed up with that job .
15 Our man got fed up with this nonsense .
16 I was uncomfortable talking about the poems and Rory 's papers ; the bag lost on the train coming back from Lochgair at the start of the year had stayed lost , and — stuck with just the memory of the half-finished stuff that Janice had given me originally — I 'd given up on any idea I 'd ever had of trying to rescue Uncle Rory 's name from artistic oblivion , or discovering some great revelation in the texts .
17 Yet every time I thought I 'd broken out of that cage you pushed me back again . ’
18 He a attended courses , and on a couple of occasions he 'd travelled down with another officer to collect prisoners .
19 Of course I did n't know that cos I 'd conked out with this gas you see .
20 Everything always seemed to lead back to that place .
21 I wondered if she 'd moved on to another place in the forest without saying anything , but when I stood perfectly still , I could hear the rhythmic scratching of her karaso from behind some trees , and the occasional tearing sound when she accidentally caught it in the undergrowth .
22 It came to rest precisely beside each letter before coming to a halt in the centre of the table .
23 The trees had thinned out a little , the closer they got to the coast , until they passed by the last of them and stepped on to sand that seemed to stretch endlessly in either direction .
24 Her left hand was curled down under the hem of her skirt , which she 'd pulled up on that side .
25 It was a long time since he 'd eaten out in this style and he was shocked by the escalation of prices and VAT .
26 He then missed a sitter during a subsequent defeat at Ibrox that probably made him wish he 'd gone AWOL before that match , too .
27 Apparently , whenever she 'd gone close to this man he 'd shooed her away , recoiling from her and muttering , ‘ Pork , pork , pork , VD , VD , white woman , white woman . ’
28 Mait seemed taken aback by this outburst .
29 I thought you 'd taken off in that spaceship of yours . ’
30 As Faraday went deeper into electromagnetism , he began to leave his contemporaries behind ; his work was on the boundary between inductive experimental science and deductive physics , and failed to fit easily into either category .
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