Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She put it down , all the same , on the counter , but we did n't talk much longer as the revellers from the rear began coming through to go to the bedrooms .
2 But it 's no way , I mean it was a really wet morning at quarter to seven , it had been raining , and he was right behind a lorry , and he , he , the lorry went to go one way and the he did n't go back because he knew he was going one way and the guy was going the other , he just started to go round to go to the left and bike was just there , he had no way of seeing him or he .
3 No exactly but I think prior to that , we did do what you 're suggesting , we did go round all the areas , Dick , myself and Malcolm and Chris , walked round all the areas , told told the people what needed tidying up to go in the it was before we had the racking up by the way so it was more messy
4 Mairi was furious when after a while Luch started to take long to return with the bucket , but it did her no good ; the wee lass often vanished for hours at a time , in spite of the scoldings she got when she returned late .
5 When I reached the Old Street roundabout , it was time to pick an ultimate destination — which basically meant choosing somewhere to stay for the night .
6 I 'm glad Councillor reminded er Councillor reminded Councillor erm about the introduction of L M S , when over two hundred teachers did appear outside to protest about the introduction of it , along with cuts in budgets .
7 When he did get up to go to the room he looked like someone who had lost the train of thought he had set out on and had emptied himself into blankness , aware only that he was still somehow present .
8 In the small city of Sydney , Nova Scotia , a thousand did turn out to protest at the loss of the local train .
9 ‘ Our host did slip out to attend to the claret … ’
10 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
11 ‘ Let me invite you to dinner in an hour , ’ said George , ‘ and ’ — this was addressed to Mrs Robinson , who had crept in to stand in the doorway and hear the end of the story , and now stepped forward to play a part — ‘ please , let us borrow your daughter for the evening so that we four can be a company .
12 He was forced into exile in the mid-70s , after the military government started a wholesale repression of the Indians by attacking their leaders and seizing back the land that they had struggled hard to reclaim under the previous regime .
13 John and wife Pam had written off to appear on the programme only to discover there were 10,000 applicants .
14 Another interesting , although minority , opinion was expressed by staff of an LEA which had decided not to participate in the SCDC Arts in Schools Project .
15 I had decided not to stay in the same hotel as any of the groups of owners , actors , racegoers or crew , and asked Nell if she knew of anywhere else .
16 Loppe had had least to say about the incarceration of Nicholas .
17 He felt an overwhelming desire for a cigarette , but Ivy was a non-smoker and he had agreed not to smoke in the car .
18 The RPF had agreed not to interfere with the centre 's work but in February it was ransacked by soldiers wearing Ugandan uniforms .
19 How Chant had longed then to return to the ether from where he 'd been summoned ; to shrug off the body which Sartori had congealed around him , and be gone out of this Dominion .
20 A great wedge of MacIans had driven in to cut off the Macleans ' attacking force ; the few men left fighting by the ships had neither time nor numbers to relaunch them .
21 My father had often urged me to try some of his marijuana , but I had never accepted , just as I had refused even to look at the cocaine that he kept in his dressing room .
22 Our engineer friends had collected crusty rolls from the dining room and , after a few drinks themselves , had set out to experiment with the sea-gulls ' capacity for whiskey .
23 The Tories had broadly accepted ‘ Attlee 's consensus ’ , although Churchill was already critical of ‘ socialist bureaucracy ’ and ‘ loss-making nationalised industries ’ and his party promised a further relaxation of wartime controls on workers , consumers and private capital ; the Labour leadership had basically achieved what they had set out to achieve in the initial round of nationalisation and formation of the National Health Service and had no new radical project to present to their working class supporters , while the broader ‘ labour movement ’ in the country was not unified around any radical demands for further government action .
24 The stopper was missing and the brandy had trickled out to soak into the sisal matting which covered the floor .
25 After delivering my message to him under a plate on his dinner tray she had gone outside to sit under the tree in the warm evening air .
26 Since the advent of Felicity , she had gone up to sleep in the attic — an arrangement she preferred , as she had absolute privacy up there , and as luck would have it , there was an electric fire , so that she could use it as a study .
27 One woman described how she had gone back to work after the death of her husband , determined to be brave .
28 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
29 The boys had gone out to play on the forestry tracks with their new bikes on what had proved a bright but cold day ; Mary had got three hours ' sleep before they came back , noisily demanding to be fed .
30 Hector had run ahead to hover by the front door , whining a little .
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