Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] down to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't meant to say it , but it was the effect of the beer and the movement of the ship and her sophistication , all things he could n't cope with together , so he 'd taken her down to the bar and they 'd had a couple more drinks to restore his confidence before the boat docked .
2 I know I do I forgot to take one down to the place with me I checked the then that , now we go
3 Ellen screamed and was instantly seized by the other man , who , laughing at her wild struggles , began to force her down to the floor .
4 They went for him then , Alexander and Donald McLaggan , the Duke 's two sons , dragged him from his father 's side so that his head bounced on the steps , lifted him bleeding , like foresters keeping a dying deer clear of the hounds , and started to carry him down to the river ‘ just to cool him off ’ but Cameron ran and gripped Donald 's shoulder and shouted , ‘ If you injure an officer it is treason on top of sedition , ’ so they carried him back and laid him carefully at his father 's feet .
5 In June of that year a group of armed men rounded up some of the teachers and started to take them down to the principal 's house .
6 They offered to take her down to the sea , so off they went — accompanied by the Dares ' three dogs , hideous mongrels with hearts of gold .
7 Thankfully there were no injuries and he and Ave Barlow managed to make it down to the best of the mountain safely .
8 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
9 Thirty had been a party for fifty , and now had honed it down to a fabulous four .
10 Willingly or unwillingly , she had bound herself down to a copy book with a fidelity that approaches , and this particularly in her most abstract canvases , the photographic …
11 Frankie Albright was nineteen and just young enough to have missed the war ; he had tried to sign up when he was sixteen , only to be informed upon by his mother , who had followed him down to the recruiting office .
12 It had quietened itself down to a low , continuous burble .
13 The surveyor who had carried out the inspection had seen the water during his survey , but had put it down to a leak in the central heating system .
14 Rose had noticed this and she had put it down to the awe and respect in which the man she so loved was held , and she was loath to see differently now .
15 On that occasion she had put it down to the letter from Doreen , but now she began to wonder if the real cause of his irritation had stemmed from the fact that he had embraced her .
16 Next , I had to get it down to the sea .
17 Slippery Elm you see you had to tape it down to a fine point and then insert it you see , and if you did n't get the right place well it 'd kill you .
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