Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jackson tried to make himself look like a man again .
2 So , he 'd watched her go from the hotel , and then contacted Directory Enquiries from the phone-booth in the foyer .
3 His reputation as a hard man — he had picked up a conviction for GBH — had won him work on the bouncer circuit and the title ‘ King of the Bouncers ’ .
4 She reminded me that I was a married man — forbade me to approach her or speak to her again in that way , but at the same time I knew I had made her think about the old days — the attraction we 'd had for each other which she could not deny .
5 It had made her feel like a dutiful grown-up daughter , visiting a hypochondriac distant relative once a week .
6 Scott had watched him get into the rocket many times and he dreamed about going with Space Man .
7 She had watched him go amongst the caskets , then lift one of the lids , peering inside .
8 Then he had watched them walk to the main room with their arms around each other and kiss in the warm light before closing the door behind them .
9 Regarding behaviour , participants were asked to indicate from always ( five points ) to never ( one point ) the frequency of instances occurring where , for example , they got drunk even when they did not intend to ; their drinking left them short of cash ; they drank to help themselves deal with a crisis ; and they missed meals because they wanted to drink instead .
10 He had to give himself time for the thought to reach him .
11 Said said he come from the that and all .
12 Adam had insisted they stay in the room and she had n't found a good enough reason to change his mind .
13 Her uncle had suggested they go as a bank holiday treat .
14 When Myeloski had returned to the hotel , after the girl had gone to her room , Duncan had suggested they go for a walk .
15 And a couple of days ago Fergus had suggested they go for a longer hike , up into the trackless hills where the Landy could n't reach .
16 Lily had suggested they go in the carriage with Violet Anstruther , since Roman Catholics resembled Orthodox more , she thought .
17 From the bottom of my pocket I produced a silver ta'wiz , the Sufi charm Zakir had suggested I purchase as a gift for Chaman .
18 He had risen and now stood watching her go towards the side door .
19 He was using his ‘ goon 's ’ voice , the one he put on when he wanted to make himself sound like a harmless imbecile .
20 So from the first he attempted to make himself master of the city — a prelude to an active policy not only to control Rome but to restore the Papal State to its old frontiers .
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