Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
2 She leant down and started to lick out his ear , bit his lobes , started to tell him of all the things she had done with other men .
3 She ached to remind him of all the wasted evenings with prospective investors : the long , boring meals with pompous bankers and their dull , provincial wives .
4 He was a man who , like Marius Steen , had risen from humble origins to immense wealth and had surrounded himself with all the symbols of the established aristocracy .
5 She had shot him for all the things he had done to her and her husband , shot him because , in the end , she still loved him , and it made his ultimate betrayal all the harder to bear .
6 He had always been there and when she was little she had worshipped him with all the adulation of any little girl for a big , brave , older brother .
7 He had avoided it with all the fuss going on but wanted to see the Bookman once more before the expedition started .
8 Riddle , a systematic person , had used it for all the oddments he had wished to keep which did not fit into his filing system , and the bottom of the drawer was covered to a depth of two or three inches with papers .
9 Earlier he had visited the American Consulate , where an attractive and sympathetic fellow countrywoman from North Carolina had advised him on all the sad yet necessary procedures consequent upon the death of an American national in Britain , and acquainted him with the costs of the transatlantic conveyancing of corpses .
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