Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] she [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But when he came to sit opposite her in the dining-room that first evening , he felt he had made a mistake .
2 He came to sit beside her on the sofa ; she felt him look at her , intently .
3 And the way she 'd looked at her on the doorstep , and the cup of tea she 'd spilled and blamed on her age .
4 The dancers , from what Lucy had seen , were all pretty good in their way ; she 'd even begun to develop a liking for Maurice , who 'd winked at her in the corridor earlier .
5 I knew she was registered at Essex , I knew she was basically dishonest , a boozer , a feminist and — from the brief glimpse I 'd caught of her in the Mimosa Club — no featherweight .
6 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
7 Its bluish-black eyes seemed to focus on her for the first time .
8 The way she felt about him seemed to sweep round her like the clouds up above .
9 It was the first communication she 'd had with her since the day she left the convent ignominiously and in dire disgrace .
10 She wanted to make Dan sound as good as possible and after some of the stunts he 'd played on her in the past that was difficult .
11 People turned to stare at her in the street .
12 Although Blanche had been sad standing there in Mother 's empty flat , she had been overtaken then by the same feeling she sensed come over her in the interrogation room that night after Taczek had left .
13 As Sara leaned over the gate , a slight figure who had been obscured behind them began walking towards her along the hedge .
14 She did not have long to brood because Harbury began talking to her about the MacQuillan case .
15 And that was when her conscience , which because she 'd got something else to think about had stayed quiet , suddenly started to get to her about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved .
16 Once a man she 'd never met before , a man called Peter who did n't seem to have a wife , kept dancing with her in the Godsons ' house , holding her very close , in a way that quite upset her and yet was pleasurable .
17 But I kept thinking about her during the day .
18 This time Freddie elected to sit with her in the front of the car .
19 A moment later , though , and Fabia was scrapping that theory , for she had just remembered how Ven had parted from her with the words , ‘ I 'll send Ivo for you about seven . ’
20 He had explained to her about the imitation dove that would fly out from the high altar during the Easter mass and light a great cart of fireworks .
21 But Ma Katz had got out of her rocking chair , and the preacherman had stared at her through the mummy 's glass eyes .
22 Losing two front teeth , even two false front teeth , at the age of fifty , even if only for a week , had distressed him : he had sat opposite her at the breakfast table with a napkin over his mouth , and she knew that it had taken some courage to go to the board meeting at all .
23 Her father had sat with her through the nights , holding her hands , comforting her , robbing himself of sleep to be with her and help her through the worst of it .
24 He had sat with her in the long dark evenings , had made sure she ate at mealtimes .
25 So it had come to her on the previous day , and came again now , the whiff , or stroke , of solitude , as her final hope for Patrick 's life was extinguished .
26 He had come to her in the night .
27 A wonderful change had come over her since the episode with the cockchafers .
28 This was meant to be the moment of her greatest satisfaction , when she unleashed on him all the bitterness and resentment that she had carried inside her over the years .
29 Her mother had stopped crocheting , so Jessie said , and was in the sitting-room going through a catalogue of curtain material for yet another change at the windows and had decided firmly against anything resembling Nottingham Lace ; her mind was now set on drapes with pelmets , so Jessie had whispered to her in the back shop a short while ago .
30 Maria stood there , hating him , but not for anything he had done to her in the past .
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