Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] if he had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Joshua , in order to be friendly , asked Harvey if he had heard of Clemenceau 's remark about Lloyd George , made at the Paris Peace Conference after the Kaiser 's War ?
2 On many occasions I asked Alf if he had taken the money to pay the debt but he never did !
3 Bob , normally a level-headed signalman , looked ill at ease and asked Ted if he had heard any strange noises in the box .
4 She carried their drinks into the living room and asked Ralph if he had managed to see his solicitor ; the appointment had been at 2 p.m .
5 I asked Kagan if he had come to me knowing that I was an intimate friend of the man concerned .
6 I wanted to find out if there had been any mistakes , so I asked Ron if he had spotted any .
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