Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [Wh adv] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We went out for dinner that evening and I asked Sheila why she 'd brought an egg poacher .
2 Instead , Blanche asked Blufton where he had bought the mechanical canary .
3 Outside , the garden was empty ; but Ruth found Adam where she 'd expected , under the big chestnut tree that grew at the end of the lane .
4 ‘ In the shape of a swastika ? ’ exclaimed Coy when he had finished .
5 Guard dogs hurled themselves against the wire and then chased the car the length of the property , barking frantically , while Cinzia told Zen how she had persuaded Gianluigi to buy a place in the country although he could n't see the point , but to her nature was not a luxury but something fundamental , a source of sanity and order , did he understand what she meant ?
6 He smiled , his eyes twinkling as he told Iain how he had had a glimpse of the lower decks , which had all been cut away in the centre and some sort of plastic covering installed .
7 Zborowski told Carco how he had taken fifteen canvases to a merchant the other morning and wanted very little money for them , but the merchant sent him away …
8 ‘ Put him in the car , ’ growled Brown when he had recovered his self-control .
9 Desire kindled in Riven like a coal , and he remembered times when he had held that body 's twin in his arms and searched out all its secrets .
10 " We should get a doctor , " said Rossmayne when he had laid Virginia on a couch .
11 ‘ I 'll give him a massive jab of vitamin B , ’ said Phil when he 'd examined him , ‘ and some Buscopan .
12 ‘ Peter , ’ said Sarella when she 'd got over the shock of what he 'd just said , ‘ surely you do n't imagine we can go on with this charade any longer ? ’
13 ‘ You might get rather good at it , ’ said Lydia when he had finished declaiming in his beautiful Welsh voice .
14 ‘ I always do , ’ said Lydia when she had gone .
15 ‘ This is the first meal we 've ever had together , ’ said John when she had gone .
16 ‘ I feel desperately sorry for the poor kid , ’ said Melissa when she had finished .
17 ‘ Oh , Charles , ’ quavered Dimity when he had ended .
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