Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now you 're moving to Bilborough , you 're moving to Bilborough erm just say in five years time they got rid of the flats erm and they built houses on here on the site , would you move back ?
2 The school , for disturbed children , drew pupils from all over the country , at fees of forty thousand pounds a year each .
3 One of the most reputed single-site vineyards of this area is ‘ Le Leon ’ , named after Pope Leo the Magnificent , who drew supplies from here in the first half of the nineteenth century .
4 The Great Exhibition lasted from May until October and attracted visitors from all over the world to see the various items of produce exhibited , and a Mr. Thomas Cook enlarged his business by arranging trips to that Exhibition from a great many places .
5 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the fair — for cattle , sheep and hardware as well as horses — attracted people from all over the country .
6 The event attracted people from all over the UK .
7 Founded in the thirteenth century , Salamanca was the equal of Paris , Bologna and Oxford , became internationally famous and attracted students from all over the world .
8 With their extensive libraries , Irish monasteries attracted students from all over the world .
9 The treasures of a man who spent his life helping other people discover valuables in their own attics attracted interest from all over the world .
10 It attracted followers from all over the world .
11 WITH no obvious metamorphosis , the Diary spent part of yesterday among an organisation called Teesside Women at a ‘ meet the politicians ’ lunch .
12 Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students ' ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA .
13 It seems certain that this took place at least before the divergence with chimpanzee , and since multiple KOX2-hybridising bands are also present in other apes and monkeys , the duplication event may have been prior to the branch points of most simian primates .
14 By good fortune , however , another visitor arrived ; it was Willis , who took charge at once of the two girls .
15 Railways and steamships brought delegates from all over the country to the chosen centre each year , and also brought foreign visitors , giving an international flavour to the occasion .
16 She also stored food in there like a hamster , and sometimes , when least expected , her head would snake back inside her covering and the crunch of crisps or the slurp of a boiled sweet could be heard .
17 I got letters from all over the country , from young mothers of all ages and circumstances .
18 She made none for herself , but left Rachaela at once with the mug in her hand .
19 We had potatoes in there for a time but we had to keep hoeing all the weeds out .
20 Jennings , however , criticized Dicey for never considering the powers of public authorities .
21 The English socialist William Morris was so appalled that he published News from Nowhere as a riposte to Bellamy .
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