Example sentences of "[noun prp] who [vb past] [det] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it was Swindon who had all the chances .
2 Many visitors to him made his time more bearable , most famous visitor was Princess Diana ( yes , the real one ! ) , but his close friends were always made most welcome by Sylvia who lavished all the love and care that ones who knew her would expect .
3 It was Mark Thatcher who passed all the North Sea oil money to Robert Maxwell to invest in BCCI , acting on inside information from family friend John Major .
4 Our National President , Steve Gauld , closed the Convention and we offered our thanks and gratitude to all those who had made the weekend such a success , to Tim Cain who kept all the sessions to time ; to the exhibitors who supported us so well ; to all the members and outside speakers who made presentations ; to the staff of Keele University who served us so well in all areas ; and to Joe Bennett who organised the whole thing , sorted out the speakers , took our bookings and generally made sure it all went well .
5 That 's the gross amount received from Travel Enterprise in New York who operated all the conference reservations last year .
6 Like Hitler who wanted all the countries of the world for himself .
7 A friend of mine Dave who wrote half the album with me and produced the album has been on at me for five years , come on let's make an album , let's make an album , let's make an album , making a , let's make an album er and a few record companies have come on and they 've always wanted me to do an album like maybe , let's prepackage old sixties ' songs and revise them , or let's do love themes from T V shows and which would never have interested me , so I said to Dave , you know when a record company comes with an offer to make an album , to do the album I wan na do then we 'll do one .
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