Example sentences of "[noun prp] can [adv] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 The Dowsing Fault-Zone can still be distinguished as a separate structural zone which has seen Tertiary re-activation , as shown in Profile 1 .
2 Santiago de Compostela can legitimately be regarded as a shrine to the survival of Nazarean thought , in implicit defiance of Rome .
3 That is why the treaty on political union at Maastricht can not be seen as some troublesome adjunct to the treaty on monetary union .
4 According to Berke and Stubbs ( 1989 ) a DSS can often be conceptualized as a tool to be used as part of an interactive learning process allowing the user to undertake ‘ what if ’ analyses and view the consequences of such alternatives .
5 Although often dismissed as an opponent of evolutionism , Owen can thus be seen as an opponent of Darwinism who was quite happy to accept a theory of evolution based on preordained trends .
6 Losing the potent force of Murdo MacLeod can not be used as an excuse , either .
7 But the twists and turns of Currie 's political career are simply a graphic illustration of the fact the SDLP can not be regarded as the Labour Party in Northern Ireland .
8 UDCs can not be regarded as a success if buildings and land are regenerated but the local community are by-passed and do not benefit from regeneration ’ .
9 But the BIS can also be seen as the project of a dissident Quakerism which led Elizabeth Pease Nichol to leave the Friends on her marriage ; the Peases found collaborators in the Dubliner Richard Webb whose contempt for the ‘ form and conventionalisms ’ of British reformers has already been indicated and his Unitarian associates such as James Haughton .
10 ‘ Chris ’ Nelson can justly be described as the Henry Ford of ice cream novelty production .
11 The carved jades recovered from a well at Chichen Itza in Yucatan can fairly be accepted as offerings .
12 Then I will proceed to discuss the extent to which Lakatos and Kuhn can legitimately be characterized as rationalists or relativists .
13 Weber can thus be regarded as the founder of abstract field theory .
14 Roosevelt can best be understood as a rare blend of the realist and the visionary .
15 The boundaries of these crofts at Cosmeston can clearly be seen as earthworks in the field on the opposite side of the road to the village .
16 On the other hand , Roger can not be ranked as one of the episcopal supporters of Simon of Montfort [ q.v . ] .
17 Ma Bell can hardly be described as a raider set on rape and pillage .
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