Example sentences of "[noun prp] have been [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The different LFA zones in the Auvergne have been drawn up on a Commune by Commune basis , each Commune being allocated completely to one zone or another with the exception of 11 Communes which are partly within one or other of the zones .
2 The undercover soldiers of the S-A-S have been singled out for their bravery in the Gulf War .
3 MORE than 500 Chinese who wanted to be smuggled into the United States have been moved on to an American base in the Marshall Islands after a six-week voyage from Hong Kong , the US Coast Guard said yesterday .
4 SPURS ' Norway goalkeeper Erik Thorstvedt is n't shocked that Peter Beardsley and Chris Waddle have been left out of England 's squad .
5 England have been shown up for the lack of quality in their line-up , although Gooch 's illness here , Michael Atherton 's illness in Calcutta and the stupidity of leaving out Phil Tufnell from the first Test and Atherton on the second Test all contributed to an unexpectedly one-sided contest .
6 But as he has also said , for longer that any of us care to remember all attempts at rational arguments over the best use of resources in Highfields have been drowned out by noise from the grinding of axes .
7 Where can Jenny have been , in the course of her adolescence , to be willing , if only out of nervousness , to accept that the Reds in Spain have been swept out from under the bed and up into mountain caves ?
8 Letters addressed to the AIBS concerning Vic Williams have been passed on to the IS .
9 Uniplex founder , Peter Osbourn , and finance director Dave Jennings have been squeezed out in the re-shuffle , and Patrick Regester , previously head of Uniplex 's international operations division has been appointed managing director , reporting to Amos .
10 Extracts from the forceful judgment of Wilson J. have been set out by my noble and learned friends , Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle .
11 Jones said : ‘ Wimbledon have been knocked out of Cups by lower teams .
12 She arrived in a big BMW of the type the East End villains drive now that all the old Jags have been bought up by the TV stations to make cops and robbers series .
13 Panalpina have been handed down by the House of Lords .
14 The leg spinner Peter Sleep , the all-rounder Tom Moody and Carl Rackemann have been left out of next week 's squad for the one-day tournament against Sri Lanka and Pakistan .
15 Countries like Ethiopia have been fed out of surpluses at little cost , but even there thousands have died before the food reached them .
16 ENVIRONMENTAL monitoring on beaches at Sellafield have been stepped up following the discovery of a grass-like substance .
17 No developments on the scale needed for London have been carried out within primary care within the lifetime of the NHS — but their success will be critical to the calibre of health services for Londoners into the next century .
18 SUNDERLAND crowd favourite Kieron Brady and £225,000 winger Brian Mooney have been left out of tonight 's reserve game against Sheffield United at Roker Park for disciplinary reasons .
19 Former vice-captain Geoff Marsh , Bruce Reid , Merv Hughes , Steve Waugh and Peter Taylor have been left out of Australia 's tour party to visit Sri Lanka in August .
20 Stone and marble fixtures weighing 400 tonnes from a garden in Boston have been shipped over for this sale .
21 The location holds little promise , the time slot is unlikely , yet for over two years now the Sunday afternoon sessions at the Queens Club near Slough have been packed out with those who just ca n't stop after Saturday night .
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