Example sentences of "[noun prp] were [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 LEAs were authorised by this Act to spend public money on meals for undernourished elementary school children .
2 Stars Jeff Goldblum , Laura Dern and Sam Neill were joined by ex-heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali , former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee , Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and several members of Congress .
3 The lowlands of Northern Ireland were covered by slow-moving ice sheets which had spread out across them from faster-moving glaciers in the mountains .
4 Local education authorities in Northern Ireland were required by this Act to set up management committees for further education institutions , with some degree of autonomy , instead of managing them directly .
5 For over 400 years , until the middle of the 17th century , noblemen and other landowners throughout Scotland were required by royal decree to parade their armed retainers periodically for a show of weapons and practise of military skills .
6 The skull and some bones of William Buckley were released by Islamic Jihad on Dec. 27 .
7 They felt that it was partly their responsibility to bring up their children in an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding of protestants , as they believed part of the difficulties of life in Ulster were caused by this lack of contact .
8 They approved a resolution declaring that " bloody events in Georgia were started by former party bureaucrats , communist mafia and criminal gangs " .
9 The interwar years in Britain were characterized by large percentage increases in the population aged 85 + .
10 This exercise revealed that the elderly in Britain were characterized by less income inequality than their European counterparts .
11 Nations in what was formerly the Soviet Bloc were characterised by national planning .
12 On the morrow of Marshal Ogarkov 's removal as Chief of the General Staff , Western press comment included speculation that his policy stance had come to obstruct the reassessment of arms control and East-West policy sought by the leadership ; according to one respected newspaper , senior Western military attachés in Moscow were tipped by Soviet army officers that the Kremlin blamed Ogarkov for the disasters of the SS-20 deployment and the shooting down of the Korean airliner off Sakhalin Island .
13 Matters reached a critical stage when the demonstrators in central Tbilisi were attacked by interior ministry troops on the evening of 9 April 1989 .
14 The pickets travelling to Kent were met by unbridled hostility from local people , orchestrated by local newspapers .
15 In addition , relations between Moscow and Peking were marked by considerable strain , as the length of the negotiations in Moscow from December 1949 to February 1950 demonstrated .
16 Intra- and extracellular 5-ASA and Ac-ASA were measured by high performance liquid chromatography .
17 Jagger and Carla were introduced by ex-boyfriend rocker Eric Clapton at a Stones concert in America .
18 The Summer Course held at Green Park Centre near Aylesbury was a great success and participants from all over England and Wales were joined by other Medau enthusiasts from France , Belgium and Germany .
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