Example sentences of "[noun prp] has [be] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The women 's game is much more open today and Gabriela Sabatini has been the best player on the women 's tour this year .
2 Back in daylight , Vatanen has been the driving force behind the Banbury team today .
3 For several years Spain has been the biggest source of sales for the majority of ELT publishers ; indeed , it is reported that for one of the smaller players it represents a dangerous 50% of turnover .
4 The NFC has been the outstanding example where for seven years the company was owned entirely by the workforce .
5 Deng Xiaoping has been the dominant figure within the upper echelons of the ruling Chinese Communist Party since 1980 .
6 The main reason for the fall in profits at Sekers has been the unsettling effect on world markets for silk products of the unprecedented 75% retroactive rise in raw silk prices from China since April , as reported at the AGM in September .
7 Perhaps Brittain has been the chief contributor to his reputation by running horses in events in which they appear out of their depth .
8 Laporte 's trumping of Wassall on 8 January with a £135m bid for glue maker Evode has been the nearest thing to a typical bid salvo , although there have been some minnow-sized transactions .
9 Over the past few years , AZT has been the chief source of optimism about the company 's fortunes .
10 But for Christians Sunday has been the first day of the week ever since the faith came into being .
11 This is the second year that Guinness has been the chief sponsor of the event , following Murphy 's unsuccessful attempt to gain the right to the event back in 1992 .
12 Meeting Arnold Palmer has been the greatest thing that has happened to me .
13 Ernst & Young has been the exclusive distributor for KnowledgeWare in Europe since 1986 , but the company now has direct distribution operations in most European countries including Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Italy , the Netherlands , Norway , Portugal , Spain , Sweden and the UK .
14 ‘ David McCallen has been the big difference to Bangor .
15 Smith argues that Britain has been the classic case of this .
16 At each stage of the story , Britain has been the odd man out .
17 From the Golden Age of the Renaissance , through the days of the Grand Tour and right up to the present day , Italy has been the Golden Land .
18 Until now Japan has been the rich world 's youngster : people 65 and over still account for only 11.5% of the population .
19 The Vietnamese occupation of Kampuchea has been the primary stumbling block .
20 Until now France has been the principal export outlet .
21 With Germany , France has been the prime mover behind closer European integration .
22 ‘ I think Neville Southall has been the best goalkeeper in England for a long time , but now he has been joined by others like David Seaman , Tony Coton and Chris Woods .
23 Polyurethanes has been the strongest business within the group and has shown continuing profits in spite of the downturn .
24 Judas has been the big winner lately , now he 'd be cockier than ever , and it was my fault .
25 It 's been certainly true er , Chair , that America has been the largest source of inward investment in this country consistently .
26 The highest summit in the world — accorded the status by British surveyors in the 1850s — Everest has been the crowning target for the world 's mountaineers since the first attempt to climb it in 1921 .
27 CAMBODIA has been the main subject of my mailbag this week .
28 It does not make it any easier to do what we have to do , but it makes seeing what we have to do much clearer , because it then becomes obvious that Serbia has been the blatant aggressor in the war and that its aggression simply can not be tolerated by the international community .
29 In the 1970s and 1980s , Otmoor has been the controversial subject of vigorous campaigns fought against both a motorway and an extensive drainage scheme for the river Ray proposed by the Thames Water Authority .
30 Its functional significance has to be examined in the context of its importance for the ‘ non-organized ’ masses , whose image of Hitler has been the central concern of this work , for the Party faithful , and for the Nazi and non-Nazi élites .
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