Example sentences of "[noun prp] had been [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mountbatten 's especial qualification in Attlee 's eyes for the job of viceroy was his success in getting the Burmese nationalists to come in on the British side in the closing stages of the war ; it was Attlee 's firm belief in later life , as indeed it was Mountbatten 's , that if Mountbatten had been left in charge in Rangoon , Burma would never have left the Commonwealth .
2 It was almost another fortnight before the War Office confirmed that Acting Sergeant John Carrow had been killed in action .
3 Corporal Stephen Paterson had been kept in custody for his own safety , along with senior aircraftsman Douglas Bailey since the fire at RAF Hullavington in Wiltshire earlier this month .
4 A padlock on gates leading into the station from Eversholt Street had been cut in advance .
5 When the US army discovered that Silver had been engaged in research work ( on Whitman ) he was put to personally testing the durability of uniforms , in sub-zero and boiling temperatures , artificial rain storms in laboratories and real tropical conditions in Florida : he soon became an assistant director of this project and stayed there for two years .
6 Already however , the Luftwaffe had been reduced in strength in Sicily as units began moving over to Libya to support the new German Afrika Korps , which was being assembled in the Tripoli area .
7 Lamarck had been put in charge of the invertebrates , while Geoffroy Saint Hilaire ( 1772–1844 ) , another transformist , dealt with the vertebrates .
8 Her mother had come over to tell her Joanne had been kept in hospital with high blood pressure and threatened eclampsia .
9 James Graham 's solution was to suggest that the Duke of Montrose dismiss William Weir , but that was easier said than done , for Weir had been appointed in order to oblige one of Montrose 's friends , and James Graham had not made a solution any easier to obtain by promising his substitute that Woodrop should have the appointment of procurator-fiscal to give as he chose .
10 Cricket in Australia had been declining in popularity for some years , not helped by an abject England team two seasons before , and the excitement that West Indies generated by their enterprising play was unbounded , culminating in a vast ticker-tape send-off when the tour was over .
11 The day after that smoke signal was released , the same non-attributable sources let it be known that Heseltine had been rebuked in Cabinet for busting the collective line .
12 Baquerizo had been held in custody since May and , since Aug. 19 , had been on hunger strike .
13 After a while the station returned to normal , Charlotte had n't been seen for some time , and Albert had been killed in World War I so all three participants in the awful tragedy had gone for ever , or had they ?
14 Since then Mr Crangle had been working in secret on another expedition .
15 The Turkish military was reportedly increasingly frustrated by the continuing activity of the PKK , and on Sept. 20 the Foreign Ministry denied reports that a cross-border operation against PKK bases in Iran had been mounted in retaliation for a Sept. 10 attack on a border outpost in which seven Turkish soldiers were killed .
16 Its leader ( now its president ) Jozsef Torgyan had been embroiled in policy disputes within the party in early 1991 [ see p. 38161 ] , and in an exchange of bitter personal allegations , notably with Boross .
17 Before long , Maudie had a baby — and soon after that , a telegram arrived saying that Arnold had been killed in action .
18 Whereas science had been unstained by cruelty , hands in the Vatican had been steeped in blood .
19 Jan Carnugorsky , then a Deputy Prime Minister , declared that with the adoption of this package the legal guarantees of citizens ' rights in Czechoslovakia had been brought in line with international agreements and obligations .
20 The eight-year-old Ian had been talking in class all through a painting lesson .
21 On 3rd November , 1992 it was announced Bishop Crowley had been appointed in succession to Bishop Harris as Bishop of Middlesbrough .
22 Sixty years later , there was an understanding of every formation in Scotland ; much of the Highlands had been surveyed in detail unmatched in any other comparable area of crystalline rock , and a host of new geological phenomena discovered .
23 From there we had to shuffle down the underground to Davenports Magic Shop , where Paul had been lured in order to buy an ancient Chinese trick , hence the coolie gear .
24 The PRI had been defeated in state elections in Baja California Norte in July 1989 [ see pp. 36811 ; 37274 ] , and the governorship of the state of Guanjuato had been ceded provisionally to the PAN in 1991 after protests of electoral fraud [ see p. 38385 ] .
25 In mid-February an opinion poll suggested that Liberal Party and official opposition leader Andrew Peacock had been overtaken in popularity by John Howard , whom Peacock had replaced in May 1989 [ see p. 36658 ] .
26 Back in Argentina , Don Masson had been called in front of a hurriedly convened SFA meeting , where he changed his story , admitting that he had only said he had taken the drugs as an act of loyalty to his friend and roommate .
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