Example sentences of "[noun prp] had [adv] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 But , indulging a passion more secret than her love for Italian painting , Molly had early gone off with Holmes and Watson in a cab through the pea-souper , or sat on the edge of her chair while Poirot summoned the guests to assemble in the library after tea .
2 Not that Loretta had yet come up with an excuse to contact Mrs Grant , even if she acquired a proper address , but that problem could wait until after she spoke to Bridget .
3 The idea was that the police would wait until they had incontrovertible evidence before moving in for the arrest , but Branson and Draper had barely sat down with the Clarkes before some forty policemen swarmed through the door , knocking over tables and chairs and arresting the two brothers .
4 This was odd , since the BBC had just come up with the figures of 301 for the Tories and 298 for Labour .
5 By now it was dark , with just two small desk lamps throwing clear-cut areas of light : one at a typist 's table halfway down the room where Maxim had finally met up with a pint of cold lager , one at the desk where Dann was listening on the telephone and sipping a small glass of neat gin .
6 Slatter had probably slipped in with the crowd and been served by his wife while he was grabbing a swift meal in the kitchen .
7 By this time , Sinead had already linked up with Farrelly in Dublin
8 That impressionable child who had swooned and sighed and lain in bed dreaming of Jake MacKay had finally grown up with a vengeance .
9 Dotty had once gone out with a piece of string to stop its clanging .
10 Dinah had just gone in with the dagger to smear the sleeping servants with blood .
11 Mrs. Mott had better get on with the job of cancelling them .
12 Norman Tebbit had also fallen out with Mrs Thatcher and left the government , while Leon Brittan , recently knighted , found a new niche at Brussels .
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