Example sentences of "[noun prp] on the [adj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nellies Beck on the tidal could produce decent dace and roach , but tide critical .
2 The full Moon in Libra on the 10th will enable you to use your remarkable intuition and ingenuity to the full .
3 The New Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 29th should prove exciting and rather eventful as far as one involvement or partnership is concerned — and obviously 1989 is by no means over yet , not by a long chalk .
4 However , the combined influence of Pluto , your ruling planet , on the 12th and a potent Full Moon in Scorpio on the 16th will try your patience .
5 Likewise , a challenging aspect to Jupiter in Virgo on the 26th will coincide with some kind of snub or rebuff .
6 A tricky aspect between the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius on the 4th could disrupt your plans or routine , and the fact that you are also physically or mentally under par this month does n't help .
7 The Sun at odds with Saturn in Aquarius on the 8th should give you fair warning of conflict with others over home , family or professional matters .
8 Money The backward movement of Mercury on the 11th will mark the start of a three-week period dominated by setbacks and frustrations concerning personal finances .
9 In particular , the Full Moon in your opposite sign of Aries on the 14th may prove to be tense , and even a little tearful , but partners , employers and family members alike must be told in no uncertain terms that you intend to do things your way or not at all .
10 Hopefully , however , the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th will bring this dreary little phase or cycle to an end and many a Leo will be moving in , moving out and putting down new roots elsewhere .
11 But what really seems to hurt and rankle you most at the moment is the behaviour and attitude of a friend or close companion — and no doubt the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th will prove challenging and even emotionally upsetting .
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