Example sentences of "[noun prp] to [noun prp] [conj] then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You will not do a great deal of good if you do nothing from Monday to Saturday and then run five miles on Sunday .
2 I co I could n't I could n't go to work Monday and Friday , Monday to Friday and then spend all the weekend in the house and then just go to work Monday to Friday again , and do that week in and week out .
3 The benefit should be paid from February to May , August to March and then ended as maximum number of payments have been made .
4 The benefit should be paid from February to May , August to January and then ended due to expiry of benefit period .
5 Where Mr Winchester 's cross-Pacific connections become less sure is when they become tangible and man-made : the optical-fibre telephone cable that snakes beneath the Pacific from California to Hawaii and then branches out to Japan and Guam ; the AsiaSat satellite and its fellow ‘ birds ’ , sitting on the equator to bounce across Asia the telephone calls of businessmen and the television dramas of Hollywood ; the new Boeing 747–400 , able to fly non-stop from Sydney to Los Angeles ; and , odd as it seems , the Macintosh computer .
6 The young CA apprentice travelled from London to Paris and then put himself in the hands of the International Brigades organisation for the final leg of his journey to Spain .
7 We 'd driven all the way from Bedford to Yorkshire and then spent six hours lugging furniture and other junk around .
8 On a dark and icy cold morning in January 1946 I flew in an RAF plane from Berlin to Kiel and then drove in a jeep to a British Army Church House a few miles outside the city .
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