Example sentences of "[noun prp] and as [adv] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is found as far north as Mexico and as far south as southern Brazil .
2 ‘ Some of them are 1,000 miles away in Florida and as far west as Wichita , Kansas . ’
3 Some crossed the island chain through Sumatra , Java and as far east as Bali .
4 The Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin , also listed in CITES Appendix 1 , is found throughout the Indian Ocean , and as far north as Canton in China and as far east as Sydney , Australia .
5 Trains of animals , each carrying 5 or 6 hundredweight , crossed the wilder stretches of the country or plodded along the narrow paved causeways that were to be found on both sides of the Pennines and as far south as Derbyshire .
6 The Greeks used to know this part of the world well , and a scattering of them still live in Romania , Bulgaria and as far east as Ukraine .
7 Its range includes the coasts of China and India and as far south as the shore of Australia and Tasmania .
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