Example sentences of "[noun prp] and give [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 English National Ballet start their Christmas season at Royal Festival Hall next Tuesday and give The Nutcracker in the Peter Schaufuss staging until January 20 .
2 He attended two performances of Figaro and gave a concert at the opera house , which included the première of a new symphony he had written specially ( K.504 , known afterwards as the ‘ Prague ’ ) .
3 England were able to start with their captain Richard Leman and gave an outing to Don Williams .
4 The best made by far was the Ricoll and given a set of decently engraved keytops this would rate very highly as a direct replacement system and is also quite attractively priced .
5 The examples given of settlements in Canada , Australia and New Zealand demonstrate the influence of a few of the colonisers who went out from Ayrshire and give an indication of the varied circumstances and locations in which the emigrants started their new lives .
6 The Honorary Secretary read the Minutes of the previous BGM and gave a report of the Committee 's activities over the past two years .
7 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
8 Henry went to Ohio and gave the concert on his own .
9 A GROWING demand for slate roofs has breathed new life into traditional slate quarrying in north Wales and given a fillip to villages that for centuries have relied on the industry for jobs .
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