Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bill , which makes it an offence to carry a knife and puts the onus on the carrier to prove he had good reason to carry the knife , will have its third reading on Friday and could now become law before summer after the Scottish Office accepted a Labour amendment that the act should come into force on the day it is passed rather than at the end of a two month period .
2 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
3 In all cases the Action Team works with LEDU and can sometimes provide support in addition to that which LEDU can provide and in other cases can provide assistance to firms not eligible for LEDU assistance .
4 My pupil was a girl called Adèle , seven or eight years old , who was born in France and could hardly speak English .
5 Andrewes would commence by reading out his text both in the English of the Genevan Bible and in the Latin of the Vulgate and would never lose sight of it , frequently repeating it throughout the sermon .
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