Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun] [vb past] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , Richard and Peter remained at the centre .
2 Despite the fact that representatives of both Korea and Taiwan appeared at the public hearing on the issue to argue their case , Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt is expected to grant the request for certification .
3 The hostility between Scotland and England began at the end of the thirteenth century with the Scottish succession crisis caused by the death of Alexander III in 1286 and of his only direct heir , his granddaughter Margaret Maid of Norway , in 1290 .
4 Ruth and Rosie arrived at the pub as it was closing for the afternoon .
5 Maddison and Shearer arrived at the Dell from their native north-east at the same time and shared a house when they were virtual unknowns .
6 Pete and Diane stayed at the rail .
7 But in 1987 , countries including Germany and Britain cavilled at the combined costs of the three programmes — Ariane 5 , Columbus and Hermes .
8 In agreement with Hickson , Jacques organised the activities as though the rural areas scheme had been formally introduced and with the enthusiastic commitment of Hampden Jackson , Poole and Douglas-Smith , WEA provision in Norfolk and Essex expanded at an unprecedented pace throughout the war .
9 Morse and Lewis arrived at the Chesterton Hotel in Bath at 10.35 a.m. the following morning .
10 Professor Glennerster and others looked at the allegations and found no evidence of a two-tier structure emerging .
11 To confuse the issue even more , at least from Catt 's point of view , her letter from Gedge , Solowka and Gregory arrived at a time when she thought that her role in the group was about to become more prominent .
12 Later the Britons showed an interest in the activities of the National Socialist Workers Party in Munich and Beamish spoke at a Hitler meeting .
13 The Bookman looked at Endill and Endill looked at the Bookman .
14 In August the earls Bigod and Bohun protested at the exchequer against the grant of an eighth , which was already being collected .
15 Willie and Zach waited at the foot of the ladder while Sammy scrabbled around the first rung .
16 Anna and Sarah sat at the table , and the man stood and watched .
17 The newspapers were put down , the chairs dragged into place but there was so much space on the floor that the three kneeling figures , Moran erect at the table , Rose and Michael bent at the chairs , looked scattered and far apart .
18 More blacks walked the streets now , loose-limbed and casual , before Blanche and Dexter appeared at the side of Hackney Downs .
19 Through the Sixties Jack and Ann worked at the Nestfield Unionist Club , in Albert Hill , Darlington , supervising the new club when it was first opened .
20 The Inclusive Tours Award went to Mr John Corlett , manager of Dawson and Sanderson based at the Upton 's Store in Middlesbrough .
21 Austria , Australia , West Germany and the Soviet Union were reportedly " considering an increase in their contributions " , while Japan , France and Bulgaria said at the meeting that they " would increase their contributions in the future " .
22 After two hours of driving Carson and Alison stopped at a motorway services area , a cut-rate chunk of space-age that straddled the carriageway .
23 In Sussex both Lewes and Steyning lay at the foot of the South Downs on the edge of the Weald .
24 Evelyn and Dan sat at the breakfast bar .
25 Rincewind , Twoflower and Hrun stared at the coin .
26 Myles Reilly and McDermott stayed at the windows .
27 The Supreme Soviets of the Ukraine , Byelorussia and Armenia voted at the end of June to create the posts of directly elected president in their republics .
28 On this day : Peterborough Cathedral was consecrated , 1238 ; Miles Coverdale 's translation of the Bible was published , 1535 ; William Smith founded the Boys Brigade , Glasgow 1883 ; the first public escalator was opened , Earl 's Court underground station 1911 ; Hitler and Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass , 1940 ; the USSR launched Sputnik 1 , the world 's first artificial satellite , 1957 ; the first transatlantic passenger jet service started operating , 1958 ; USSR 's Lunik III , took the first close-up pictures of the moon , 1959 ; Pope Paul VI visited New York , the first pope to visit America , 1965 .
29 There was a pause , then both Ricky and Daisy jumped at the sound of clapping .
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