Example sentences of "[noun prp] is not [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In S/Z Barthes is not suggesting that literary texts implicitly refer to some transcendent model : literary texts can only cross-refer to each other .
2 Moore is not denying that such elucidation is sometimes needed and possible , but bringing home to us that this is never what is going on when all things with a certain complex property are said to be good .
3 ‘ What characterizes this Christian revolutionary tradition from Joachim of Fiore to John Huss , from Thomas Münzer to the theologies of hope and political theologies of our own day , is that the Kingdom of God is not conceived as another world in space and time , but as a different world , a changed world , a world changed by our own efforts … .
4 Although in 1284 Edward I had considered that ‘ the comté of Bigorre is held freely from … the king of England , so that the king of France is not recognised as sovereign there ’ , Philip the Fair 's lawyers were not prepared to accept this view .
5 They paraded national and military flags , recited ancient poems , sang hymns and the Polish anthem Still Poland is not lost as long as we are living .
6 To focus on Charlemagne is not to say that any one individual could have Christianized the political order single-handed .
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