Example sentences of "[noun prp] is [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LIVERPOOL 'S latest recruit Stig Inge Bjornbye is set for a dramatic debut next week after receiving a work permit .
2 Liverpool 's latest recruit Stig Inge Bjornbye is set for a dramatic debut next week after receiving a work permit .
3 More specifically , Frith/Moll is appropriated for a partial critique of patriarchal law , sexual exploitation , and aristocratic culture .
4 Now the dialysis machine is about to be taken back to the hospital and Richard is hoping for a healthy future .
5 Now Renault is hoping for a marked increase in U.K. sales with the arrival last month of its diesel challenger , the turbocharged 19 DX .
6 Mr Crowther is pressing for a judicial review of the whole Department of Transport that would look into the government 's road policy .
7 He can weigh up non scientific considerations in his decision , such as the effect of staff morale and relations with SLAC , but Bienenstock is hoping for a scientific solution not a political or philosophical one .
8 Some have experience , others are beginners but already Eddie is looking for a local golf course that will accept their membership as a club to provide a base .
9 YOUNG mum Angie Wilson is praying for a speedy end to her homeless heartache for she is expecting a third baby in just nine weeks time .
10 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the best way to preserve the integrity of Croatia is to work for a permanent settlement after a lasting ceasefire , and that recognition is just one of the issues that has to be sorted out before there can be a successful conclusion ?
11 David Batty is braced for a bruising reunion with his old Leeds team-mate Eric Cantona today .
12 Today , Kevin is studying for a thesis-based part-time MA with Warwick University , since the British Academy , which funds some post-graduates , could not afford to cover his DPhil place at Oxford .
13 As Access Director of the British Mountain Bike Federation , Colin Palmer is fighting for a fair deal for off-road cyclists
14 Britain is poised for a strong recovery .
15 Now Britain is heading for a pre-Christmas Sunday shopping bonanza believe it or not now you heard it first here on this programme that I I predict that there will be completely deregulated Sunday trading before much long What ?
16 PAUL WARHURST is set for a dramatic return to first-team football tomorrow — less than a fortnight after it almost killed him .
17 LONDON CRUSADERS boss Ross Strudwick is hoping for a double celebration this weekend .
18 Locus , meanwhile , has dissected the preliminary release of NT that Microsoft is circulating for a functional comparison with desktop Unix systems like SCO , Interactive , Solaris , Destiny and UnixWare .
19 Meanwhile , Widnes ace Jonathan Davies is set for a New Year comeback .
20 EMMA Thompson is set for a glittering Hollywood career as she became Britain 's hottest chance to win an Oscar .
21 COMEDIAN Jim Davidson is hoping for a New Year reconciliation with his estranged wife Tracie Hilton .
22 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
23 LINFORD CHRISTIE is going for a golden Grand Slam in a bid to rival Carl Lewis as the greatest sprinter on earth .
24 One of the men in the physiology department of the university here is taking them tomorrow as he is to stay with for a week , who is due home c. 13th and then the judge in whose house I so often stay in London IS coming for a long weekend c. 19th and then I have two or three B&B bods for Festival , giving up our bedroom ( UGH ) .
25 Oooh … heres a thought … maybe Strachs injury looks quite bad , and Wilko is looking for a right back , so he can have Kelly as a choice for right midfield aswell as right back ( and striker ) .
26 A former Chief of Staff of the United Nations , now living in Oxfordshire is calling for a peaceful resolution to the Gulf crisis .
27 According to VG Leeds is hunting for a new defender and the choice looks to be either Johnsen or Alan McLaren ( Hearts ) .
28 To counter this , Mr Ozal is pressing for a modest change that would allow Turkey 's Kurds the right to speak their own language .
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