Example sentences of "[noun prp] it was [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know coming from seventy to hundred a sixty five in fact when had their sales meeting last Friday it was observed that the sales force in the er which were gathered which we do every two months in the in the major suite the training suite er conference suite at head office er that was the total number of sales execs we had in January the previous year .
2 Wright it was established that a director did not stand in a fiduciary relationship with his shareholders .
3 In Roffey it was held that a procession was an ‘ assembly ’ for the purposes of the Air Navigation Order 1954 , and the commentary on that case points out that a procession was regarded as an assembly for the purposes of the old offence of unlawful assembly .
4 In May it was announced that the fleet name ‘ London TransporT ’ would be used and it began to appear on the waist panels of cars as repainted .
5 20–4–1906 For the Communion on 6th May it was arranged that the Rev. D. Munro would preach on the Fast Day ( the Thursday before ) , the Rev. D. I. McInnes would take the Gaelic service on the Sabbath and the Rev. A. McLaren Young of Southend , Campbeltown the English services .
6 In December it was confirmed that the assessment would be confined to paper and pencil tests taken by whole classes of children .
7 In July it was disclosed that the Soviet Union was owed the equivalent of 87,500 million ( 25 per cent in convertible currencies ) , but much of this was believed to be for arms sales to poorer countries who were unable to repay it .
8 It is too late to register a pending action if a bankruptcy petition has been presented against the husband ; in Re Flint ( 1992 ) The Times 16 July it was held that a transfer of the matrimonial home by order of the court in matrimonial proceedings to the wife in the period between the presentation of a bankruptcy petition against the husband and the bankruptcy order was void .
9 It might have been assumed that the corollary was that the prosecution did not have to prove that the accused assumed the rights of the owner contrary to the owner 's wishes but in Morris it was held that a person appropriated only if he adversely interfered with or usurped the rights of the owner .
10 On 21 November it was announced that the pope had decided to increase the size of commissions to thirty , and to allow the Council direct election of most of the new members .
11 In November it was announced that the government had " retired " all non-Ugandan members of the NRA .
12 At the end of August an indefinite freeze was placed on the repatriation of foreign companies ' profits and dividends ; however , in September the rules were relaxed to allow transfer of normal profits after 60 days , and in November it was reported that the freeze was to be lifted under pressure from international corporations .
13 In November it was reported that the European Communities had agreed to proposals for Namibia to join the Lomé Convention , under which the country would secure an annual beef quota , at an estimated price 40 per cent higher than the world market , which would make Namibia the second largest beef exporter among the African , Caribbean and Pacific countries ( after Botswana ) .
14 However , by November it was expected that the 1990 cereal harvest , an important element in gross domestic product ( GDP ) , would be the best since 1987 .
15 In November it was agreed that a Constituent Assembly should be created to draw up a schedule of meetings to be held on each of the four Windward Islands in 1991 and to decide on the form of the proposed referendum to be held in each state .
16 After several meetings between the members and the JCPT it was decided that the hospital should not close but should offer specialist services , such as psychogeriatrics and academic research .
17 At the end of October it was confirmed that the A-IADMK would be supporting Congress ( I ) in the elections to the Lok Sabha .
18 About ten months later , in a report to an International Congress at Paris it was stated that the Spanish Medical Aid Committee had helped to set up nineteen hospitals throughout Republican Spain , some front-line hospitals and seventy-two ambulances .
19 In Albert v. Lavin it was assumed that the defendant was guilty of assaulting in the execution of his duty an off-duty policeman who was seeking to prevent a breach of the peace .
20 At the trial of the issue before Cave J. it was proved that the whole sum of £2,090 19S. had been paid by instalments , but the respondent claimed interest .
21 On appeal to the House of Lords it was held that the objection was well-founded .
22 In Masterson v. Holden it was held that the conduct was insulting because the magistrates might properly have taken the view that such objectionable conduct in a public street may well be regarded as insulting in that it suggests to a witness that he or she is somebody who would find such conduct in public acceptable himself or herself .
23 In mid-1991 , investment analysts were recommending the company 's shares as a good buy and predicting pre-tax profits of about £40 million , but in August it was realised that the estimated profit was unattainable as a major contract was not going to materialise .
24 In September it was revealed that the government was soliciting comments from the opposition parties on the election process .
25 In September it was reported that a trade co-operation agreement had been signed with Zimbabwe .
26 In Dawson it was held that a reasonable person robbing a petrol station would not know of the attendant 's bad heart .
27 At the beginning of March it was reported that the epidemic had spread to Ecuador where 20 cases were registered , including one death , that of a woman living near the border .
28 In Webb it was accepted that a man in similar circumstances who would be unavailable at th
29 In Howard E. Perry & Co . Ltd. v. B.R.B. it was held that the defendants ' refusal to allow the plaintiffs to enter their premises to collect goods which belonged to them could not be justified by their fear of intensified industrial action .
30 In N.C.B. v Thorne it was held that the word ‘ nuisance ’ in s.92(1) ( a ) of the Public Health Act 1936 must mean either a public or private nuisance as understood at common law .
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