Example sentences of "[adv] though it [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I say rightly so because Herbert Spencer 's theory of evolution was fundamentally different from Darwin 's , even though it 's often confused with it .
2 Such knowledge is always centred in a self even though it is outward looking , searching for power and control of what is other to it .
3 In addition it was decided only to examine information that is external to the company and available from formal sources even though it is well known ( and was confirmed in discussions with the companies themselves ) that a considerable use is made of internal and informal information .
4 For example , I wonder why there are no English-speaking contributors to the Panofsky centenary conference , even though it is well known that this approach was most fully developed in the English-speaking world .
5 Britain points out that the Bush Administration is still using its political weight in the IMF to block financial relief for Vietnam , even though it is widely recognised that the exodus from Vietnam will only stop when living standards improve .
6 However , much of this work is heavily weighted towards the study of individual words , even though it is widely recognized that most vocabulary growth comes from encountering words in the course of reading .
7 Even though it is generally recognised that , at best , the principles of operant conditioning described in Verbal Behaviour contribute but a small part to our understanding of the processes of language development , this does not immediately rule out the possibility of employing techniques based upon operant conditioning to help those children who are not developing language in the normal way .
8 The Rheidol line offers some of the most spectacular scenery available on Welsh railways and , as far as railway enthusiasts are concerned , the line still has much to offer even though it is still recovering after being reduced to virtual siding status in the last year 's of British Rail management .
9 Since airborne sound will travel up through the ceiling into the room above , and from there through the party wall , it may still be a nuisance , even though it is somewhat diminished .
10 It is not bard to imagine legionaries marching briskly along this track because , even though it is now walled as a result of the nineteenth-century enclosures , it runs straight as a spear across the fell , totally unlike the whirligig roads of the drovers and packmen .
11 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
12 It involves the disinterested pursuit of truth , beauty or goodness , even though it is always mixed up with other motivations such as the search for social importance ( knowledge is power ) , or for status and acceptance , or for the comforts of a dream world , or for the individual self-realisation which involves the establishment of a personal identity .
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