Example sentences of "[adv] more [adj] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact I 've known people to go right in , so it , it , it 's not a simple job , you know , and they do take a great deal of risk with this , and I do , I mean it 's much more serious than I think than the government find , it should really work hard to try , to try to find something else .
2 ‘ It 's much more hilly that I expected , much more severe , more than anyone said to me , ’ said Montgomerie .
3 Similarly , through Lata 's sister 's marriage to Pran you 're led into the world of politics and the subject of land reform , which sounded dull to me at first but became much more interesting as I got into it . ’
4 Her mother had told her to bring back at least one load before it got dark , and it would be much more fun if I went with her .
5 This is much more difficult than I thought it would be .
6 The second one was much more difficult because I had to come up with a script every couple of weeks , and there was so much crammed into each one .
7 ‘ The answer to the second question is much , much more difficult and I confess to having agonised all night to reach my conclusions .
8 Erm I now accept that that was a misreading of Harrogate District Council 's resolution which was rather more ambiguous than I have represented it here .
9 They are still more puzzled as I wish them good evening and they recognise my Scots accent , As I quickly follow behind the French Commandos I hear one Canadian say to the other .
10 I was probably more afraid than I 'd ever been in my life but I was too busy to notice it .
11 Erm I think the stockings is turning slightly more Jewish cos I remember Katy a friend of mine and who goes to Channing he , he had the same problem .
12 However , when I heard Mr. Gorbachev speaking at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1989 , about a common European home , I could perceive an image of Europe that made me feel far more European than I had ever done before .
13 The teachers were in on my research from the beginning , erm I originally gained the co-operation of the headmaster — he allowed me to come into the school — and then I found the teachers enormously co-operative , in fact , far more cooperative than I had a really had a right to expect .
14 In Asia , I became far more aware than I had been in London of the very rich tradition of songs , stories and games .
15 ‘ The arrangement is even more cosy than I imagined , with all these domestic details .
16 It is even more useful when I have found a glaring mistake , have partially undone something and rehung the stitches inaccurately .
17 It certainly seemed that a chapter of my life was closing , and I felt even more disgruntled when I found out that the other girls had all managed to get postings near their homes for their final few months in the Service .
18 ‘ And I was even more astounded when I heard what Norwich were going to pay for him .
19 I became even more thankful that I 'd had a normal birth as it would have been so hard to cope after a repeat section .
20 Sister was even more angry than I had anticipated .
21 ‘ Then Englishmen must be even more brutish than I have long suspected , ’ he cried theatrically .
22 Was it possible that people were even more complicated than I had imagined , and had Mrs Monro once been young and funny ?
23 I had not realised that it was even more complicated than I had been led to believe originally .
24 The idea that one can adopt an orphan baby elephant in Kenya and supply it with food and medicine for under £15 would be even more droll if I did not remember adopting a number of black babies in Africa as a schoolboy , and giving them foolish names like Chrysostom or Donaldina or Ambrose , at five shillings ( 25p ) a time .
25 Then you 're even more blind than I thought ! ’
26 So flustered was I , in fact , that I became entangled with the bicycles in the hall ( my sons always keep them there , and other things being equal I usually get past them without too much difficulty ) , and I arrived in the dining-room even more distraught than I set out from the study .
27 I was even more eager when I glimpsed Lady Francesca , magnificent in her dark green velvet dress , with a small hat of the same texture and colour , ornamented with trailing peacock feathers set rakishly on her head .
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