Example sentences of "[adv] have been [vb pp] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The recommendation can only have been based on the interests of cost-cutting , not of justice .
2 In the past this plant would only have been found on the better drained slopes leading to our moorland plateaux , but because of man 's interference in this environment , by digging drainage ditches and lowering the water table , the plant has been able to spread onto the plateaux themselves .
3 When the experience itself arrives , the hazards will be attenuated because they have been made familiar by being anticipated , and the individuals will already have been set on the path of healthy coping responses .
4 Secret handshakes and rituals , ’ he said , lowering his voice impressively which , as Fribble said , could still have been heard on the other side of the forest .
5 It is arguable that the scale and pattern of grants might more reasonably have been based on the status quo in individual schools , to avoid an invidious distinction between the two " classes " of award .
6 If the BRAC workers had collaborated more closely with the village practitioners , then the lobon-gur solution would probably have been placed on a better footing in the Bangladeshi villages .
7 Greater emphasis should also have been placed on the economic context in which disputes occur and on the state of political consensus — primarily , whether the trade unions are accepted in a ‘ partnership ’ role with the state , or are defined as problematic to its objectives ( Ragin et al , 1982:243 ) .
8 And , yes , it was made by Kemp , although some doubt could quite properly have been harboured on the matter : Ashenden knew the man , and knew his voice ; and in spite of what was probably a poorish extension-line , confirmation that the call was from Kemp had come from the telephone-operator , someone else who knew him — knew him very well , in fact .
9 Each person could well have been entered on the case load as a separate case , in view of the time and attention each required .
10 asserted that in the present time the defendant 's liability in Rylands v. Fletcher itself ‘ could simply have been placed on the defendant 's failure of duty to take reasonable care , ’ and it seems a logical inference from this and from the judgment as a whole that the Court of Appeal considered the rule to have no useful function in modern times .
11 Had the inconceivable happened , a relisting would surely have been granted on the most fundamental ground imaginable — a failure of the court to give judgment on issues properly raised before it and essential to a disposal of the case .
12 The mill site and its supply leat must surely have been constructed on the outline of unit two — the course of the leat would be strange if it was earlier and had conditioned the shape of unit two .
13 But it does seem that he had some hint of the future : not only does his idea of the arena in which Pandemonium ( 1831 ) took place look like Wembley Stadium but his high-rise Tower of Babel in Belshazzar 's Feast might almost have been modelled on the General Accident Life building now going up at the side of Lendal Bridge on the way to York 's Railway Station .
14 It is clear that some elderly patients can benefit from surgery that may previously have been denied on the grounds of age alone .
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