Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
2 His version of human freedom and motivation could easily have included poverty as a ‘ rational ’ reason for crime ; and there was no necessary reason for him to equate his social contract with the status quo as far as property relations were concerned ( after all , he did not equate it with the status quo in many other respects ) .
3 Twenty-four hours later it would still have required access to a crystal ball to predict the result after some of the most enthralling encounters seen on a golf course since man first put club to ball .
4 Living in such a house would nonetheless have exposed Leapor to a more leisured way of life than she had known before , though as a servant her enjoyments would have been circumscribed .
5 When she occasionally visited him in London or Stuttgart , she always found him busy , although he would certainly have made time for a new lover , and he did put himself out to entertain his cousin Petrie who , with his wife , turned up unexpectedly in Stuttgart during a travelling holiday .
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