Example sentences of "[adv] as a [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Leapor , then , experienced domestic service not only as a servant but as a mistress .
2 Now my relationship with David did actually include sex , but it was never initiated on that basis as he 'd come to my flat only as a lodger and during the course of the time he was there , we slept together .
3 Bruckner was 39 and in the process of shaking the dust off a provincial career that had so far brought him distinction only as an organist and as a craftsman-composer of the old school .
4 He saw the state not merely as a division but as a combination of labour , an economic community or union every bit as real as the household or firm , and far more powerful .
5 They had regarded it rightly or wrongly as a wangle and as an attempt to ally capitalist forces against the worker . "
6 Dr John Gauden , who had managed to hold the Deanery of Bocking successively as an Anglican and as a Presbyterian , secretly claimed that ‘ This book and figure was wholly and only my making and design ’ , and demanded his reward .
7 This bald statement conceals much dispute about the exact relation between a cause and its effect , about the right way to define ‘ cause ’ , and about the nature of causality , both as a concept and in the world .
8 And , if one accepts the concept that the spirit is journeying through many lifetimes in order to achieve that degree of evolution which makes it unnecessary to spend further time on this earth , then surely it must be essential to experience life both as a man and as a woman .
9 There was movement that year among all the teams and Pace 's death in March not only upset Brabham plans but also caused Ecclestone , who was very attached to Carlos , both as a man and as a driver , considerable grief .
10 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
11 These interviews will explore the ways in which patients think about health and illness at a general level , and diabetes in particular , using an approach which depends upon asking the person to recount their personal experiences in the areas of interest , both as a child and as an adult .
12 This makes it possible to present Christianity both as a story and as a part of history , without dogmatism , but also with precision and accuracy .
13 " When it was done She expressed Her complete satisfaction with the statue both as a portrait and as a work of art , — I particularly asked the Bishop about that last point .
14 John White , who writes both as a psychiatrist and as a father , comments in Parents in Pain , ‘ I do not know what destiny whether small or great God plans for the children who most concern you .
15 It was a mark of the esteem in which John Burridge was held at Selhurst Park , both as a goalkeeper and as a showman , that whenever he has subsequently returned here with his later clubs he has invariably been accorded a warm welcome , both from Palace fans and from his former playing colleagues .
16 Newman 's central idea , both as a Catholic and as an Anglican , was that one holy Catholic and apostolic Church exists .
17 ‘ Carel Weight has always been important to me both as a painter and as a father figure .
18 The huge horns are used both as a weapon and as a shield .
19 There is a strong streak of greenery , both as a policy and as a political style .
20 While unaware of the value of vitamins , an old lore recommended its use both as a laxative and as a poultice for sores .
21 It was agreed that the key strategy for the next 18 months — two years was to produce a network of interested people who would be valuable both as a resource and as a means of disseminating ideas and information .
22 British town planning , both as a movement and as a profession , found that it had a relevance to wider questions to which it could respond .
23 The triton shell was used right through into modern times in Crete by rural postmen and shepherds , both as a megaphone and as a horn .
24 It is essential , and research funding should be regarded both as a priority and as a necessary complement to the current expansion in primary teacher training .
25 1992 , 28 , 55 ) gives a very good picture of him , both as a chemist and as a man with a broad range of interests .
26 He will also want to prove just how much he has matured both as a player and as a man .
27 Brain , the team 's only international , has been on the point of resigning both as a player and as the club 's salaried steward , and his decision will not be known until today .
28 What are your current ambitions , both as a player and as a member of Megadeth ?
29 The Church , both as an organisation and in its buildings , was of supreme importance to all European communities , not only for the spiritual but physical and intellectual succour which it provided .
30 , business accountant of Tencel in the UK , has experienced ITED both as an assessor and as the assessed .
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