Example sentences of "[adv] if it [verb] [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if it had not been for the Shakoor Rana affair the TCCB might have handled this quietly and sensibly by issuing a non-committal statement and letting the fuss die down .
2 There is really little point in scolding the puppy at this stage , especially if it has not been used to the big outdoors before .
3 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
4 But another union blames bad management on Dowty 's part , and says Dowty Fuel Sytems would have shut down anyway if it had n't been sold .
5 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
6 Faced with losses of £1,500,000 a week , chairman Nick Schele said the company would have closed by now if it had not been taken over by Ford .
7 ‘ Sir , ’ he said to the court , ‘ I would be a dead man by now if it had not been for this gentleman . ’
8 Well if it had n't been al for all those hours and hours hold ups last time we went down I quite like travelling overnight .
9 ‘ It was over before we knew it , ’ said Taliesin later , ‘ and even if it had not been , I do not think we could have got near to the Lad . ’
10 By and large the original exhibition at Edinburgh has been well adapted to the diverse spaces at Kenwood , even if it has not been possible to make the large plaster reconstruction model , lent by the Museo della Civiltà Romana , Rome , still the focal centre of the show .
11 Although the Court of Appeal 's decision was obiter dictum , the investors should be made aware that the knowledge gained from their " due diligence " may prohibit any subsequent warranty claim even if it has not been disclosed by the managers .
12 Many of the greatest treasures in National Trust houses would have been sold abroad long ago if it had not been for the ‘ in lieu ’ system , which was established in 1956 and which enabled private owners to give works of art to the nation in lieu of capital taxes .
13 People like myself , would n't have had the bottle , would n't have dreamed of coming up here if it had n't been for the good work of people like Mike and Harry , who in my opinion do a superb job in training me , you , all of us in this union .
14 They should remember that it would all have ended seven matches earlier if it had not been for an 88th-minute equaliser against Bashley on September 16 .
15 We agreed to have him for a fortnight but when the time came he refused to go , and would be with us yet if it had not been for the First World War and your father having to go …
16 I would have died too if it had n't been for that telegraph pole . ’
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